(Continued from What about Old Testament patriarchs)                           Home 



· Zodiac Star-Signs, and Stars in Amphitheatre and Sports Arenas influence Christianity

· The ultra-masculine warrior cult (which is also PENTECOSTAL dogma) and the masonic induction of boys

· ‘This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius…. Age of Aquarius...’  of homosexuality and pederasty   

· Aquarius symbolizes false ‘water’ or spiritual enlightenment poured on the earth through THE RIVER OF ANOINTING!

· The Age of Aquarius and the so-called “end of the world on 12.12.2012” 

· Will God destroy the earth with water? 

· Disobedient, unrepentant humanity causes it all 






Amphitheatres and Sports Arenas were Temples for Worship and Ritual Blood Sacrifice

In Greek and Roman belief, the naked ‘divinely masculine’ or patriarch, homosexual/pederast (man-boy sex) gods of their mythologies were always warring with one another among the stars.  They desired the physique and courage of those gods, and became obsessed with strength, masculinity, nudity, and sex.  So, they built uniquely engineered, Greek amphitheaters and Roman sports arenas to reenact the battles of their gods; training slaves and recruits as super athletes or god-like gladiators to fight to the death in their theaters and arenas.  Besides these, criminals, prisoners of war, and even innocent animals such as bears, elephants, lions, and tigers all had to fight to the death to entertain the masses.  

However, Roman and Greek sports arenas were not just for blood sports.  They were temples and open-air altars for en-masse human and animal blood sacrifice to the many gods of their religions.  The spectators, going berserk for more daring violence and the extremely cruel and meticulous murder of contestants, were the ‘church’ members of those satanic religions.  The Olympian super athletes or ‘sport stars’ of the theaters and arenas, (just as in modern sport,) became the sex symbols and gods of ancient Roman and Greek empires; worshiped by the blood-thirsty masses. 

In reality, the  emperors and their masses were the evil priests, who attended to the bloodstained altars of their deities. 

Can it be coincidence that the same type of open-air sport arenas are now built at great cost all over the world, and that masses upon masses of people openly idolize and worship sports, and sport stars?  Is it by accident that modern spectators have become bloodthirsty rioters who ‘live’ for sports, just as their brainwashed, idolatrous ancestors did during ancient times?  And is it coincidence that ‘Joel’s Army’ or Promise Keepers congregate in sport arenas; supposedly turning thousands of ordinary men into ‘noble savages’ or christs’ and ‘manifest gods for their religion? 

The Greek god Zeus became the patriarch of body builders, wrestlers, and other sportsmen

As all Olympian athletes supposedly owe their strength to Zeus, the supreme god of the gods and the ‘father figure,’ or ‘divine patriarch’ of all athletes, “he became the special god of all body enhancing and body altering athletes such as body builders, wrestlers,” etcetera.  Historically, Zeus-worshiping athletes congregated in Greek, Russian, Asian, and other gymnasiums, saunas, and public baths where they could fraternize with other so-called ‘god-men’ and pederasts.  Hence, the well-known and most revered symbol of ancient Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire - as well as of masonic orders and other Baphomet-worshiping societies, is the phallic [erect male organ] symbol which is depicted in the obelisk or high tower.  The ‘divine knowledge’ of pederast, (man-boy-sex) male ‘companionship,’ which ‘completes’ the ‘divine masculinity’ of this ‘elite race’ of homosexuals and turns them into ‘supermen,’ is the deep, dark, hidden secret which ‘initiates’ even Christian leaders and other masonic members into their ‘divine homosexual enlightenment.’ 

The Zodiac Star-Signs, and Sport Stars in Amphitheaters and Sports Arenas 

The huge, muscular Zeus, the Greek god-patriarch of all human patriarchs, is also called “the king of heaven” and “the god of sky and thunder.”  The Roman god Jupiter was equal in strength and agility to Zeus.  “The Roman god Mars shared the traits of the Greek god Aries, [the ram,] and became the god of war in the heavenlies and on earth,” [Wikipedia.] In Roman mythology, Mars was the son of Jupiter (or Zeus) and Juno, the ‘dove’ Hera, (‘Mother’ Mary the Catholic holy spirit,) was Zeus’ wife.  For this reason, two of the nine planets in our solar system were named after Zeus, or Jupiter, and his son Mars, and they hold significant places in astrology as well. (Astronomy is the scientific study of the solar system, but astrology is the occult study of so-called star or zodiac signs, used in character reading and fortune telling.) 

Because the Romans and Greeks were pederast societies built on the character and behavior of their gods, (patriarchy in particular,) astrology formed an integral part of their religious-political Empires.  In turn, the belief system of astrology influenced not only pagan societies worldwide, but, as we will see, the so-called ‘civilized’ Christian world as well.  Zeus (or the Roman god Jupiter) is still symbolized by the sign of the thunderbolt, for he is the “cloud-gatherer, supreme god of storms.”  As such, he also stands for “a higher god-man state of ‘New Age’ cosmic consciousness,” which all masonic orders strive towards, and which, as masonic dogma, was also fed to Christians through the ages.   As if that was not  enough, Zeus remains the continually fornicating god of incest, (he ‘married’ his own sister;) homosexuality, pedophilia, pederasty and all other forms of immorality such as  rape, adultery and polygamy, or the keeping many ‘wives.’ 

The Ultra-Masculine Warrior Cult (which is also Promise Keepers’ dogma,) and the homosexual/masonic induction of boys

The patriarch rule of Greeks and Romans was not confined to their theatres and arenas; it flowed into every aspect of secular, political, and religious life.  TheFalseGospelInTheStars reports, “The male supremacy of the ancient Greek [and Roman] military establishment enthusiastically embraced homosexuality, [based on] the new Hellenes — an ultra masculine, male supremacist, homo-erotic warrior cult.  The armies of Thebes, Sparta, and Crete were examples of… [such] ‘sacred battalions'… which inducted all twelve-year-old boys into military service where they were 'entrusted to lovers,’ chosen among the best men of adult age.  Plutarch also reports of a Cretan military induction ritual in which boys were abducted and sexually enslaved for a period of two months by adult pederasts before receiving their 'military kit…'  The same principle governed the fascist ideology of the male strata of Nazi leaders (Bluher, Roehm, etcetera.)  For the fascists, [government system centralized under a dictator,] the return of ‘natural’ sexuality is viewed as a sign of decadence… Rosenberg and Bluher [the leading Nazi ideologists] recognized the [German] state solely as a male state organized on a homosexual basis” - or a Patriarch Nazi State.

The Nazi regime founded this unspeakable witchcraft on the Aryan principles of the ‘supreme god-race,’ the Tibetan Masters.  The Nazis also conjured up the ancient doctrines of Greek patriarchy, and patterned Hitler’s fearless division of homosexual soldiers, the Pink Swastika, on the ‘sacred battalions’ of the Greek and Roman Empires.  Nazis too, drafted young boys into the army to satisfy the ‘needs’ of their most cruel, most daring homosexual soldiers — and everyone erroneously thought that Hitler hated homosexuals.  Hitler called The Pink Swastika, [the swastika is a stylized, masonic sign of sun worship,] his own, “male supremist, homosexual elite.”  Shockingly, Hitler’s ideal race of blond, blue-eyed, super gymnasts and athletes, (the super intelligent, Olympian Aryan race,) was not a race that consisted of both sexes.  The only reason why Hitler tolerated blond ‘Aryan’ women, was because he needed them to breed blond Aryan boys, who would all become part of his homosexual ‘nobility,’ who ‘did not regard the desire of women.’ Those anti-creation abominations were the “Ideal, New Man.”  Hitler’s ‘regeneration’ of this “elite fighter core” was supposed to have been “the manifestation of the rebirth of this god-race of fearless soldiers on earth.”   


An important part of Greek mythology and astrology concerns the end-time, which we are now living in - the New Age of the bisexual, adulterating pederasts of the Greek amphitheatre, Zeus or Jupiter.  Eventually, Zeus “fell madly in love with a young, unblemished Ganymede, (whom he initiated or raped) into pederasty.  (In Greek mythology a Ganymede is a young cupbearer of the gods – in this case, he was an innocent and most beautiful young Trojan prince.  Greeks saw a Ganymede as “the symbol of pederast ‘love’ or man-boy sex and even the soul’s ascent into Elysium Fields (or heaven.”) 

“When Zeus’ sister-wife Hera tried to end Zeus’ madness with the boy, Zeus took on the form of the ‘divine’ eagle and wooed, [or according to medieval interpretation, forcefully abducted] the boy into the heavenlies.  Zeus eventually seated the Ganymede on Mount Olympus, [the celestial ‘mountain of the gods,] among the star constellation, which, theoretically, forms the shape of a ‘water jug,’ called Aquarius.  There, the Ganymede became Zeus’ sex slave, which made the Ganymede dreadfully unhappy.  His tears and/or fearful urine pouring from the ‘water jug’ signify the star constellation of Aquarius as the Water Bearer, or the Water Pourer.” [Wikipedia.] Sadly, the so-called ‘water pouring’ Ganymede will be eternally flanked by the homosexual rapist Jupiter (or Zeus) - and his violent son Mars, the god of war. 

Aquarius symbolizes false ‘water’ or ‘ENLIGHTENMENT’ poured onto the earth through THE RIVER OF ANOINTING!

Greeks also associated their god Deucalion with the gay man-boy Ganymede or Aquarius - the ‘pourer forth of water’ or ‘spiritual/mind enlightenment.’  “In the frescos of their temples and in their religious statues, they depicted Deucalion as a god that is neither a man nor a woman, but a ‘NEW SPECIES;’ the “New Man,” [masonic lingo also used by the PENTECOSTAL PROMISE KEEPERS;] a perverted bi-sex hybrid between a male and a female.  In homosexual culture, this male/female androgyny radiates an ‘irresistible’ type of ‘innocence’ that tempts men towards the corruption of all innocence [through incest, adultery, pedophilia, pederasty, and other acts of homosexuality.]” 

According to the age-old practice of astrology, the tears or urine of the fearful Ganymede Aquarius or Deucalion “pours down from heaven AS A RIVER OF WATER,” which symbolizes great outpourings of false revelation or enlightenment, just as we experience in our day!  The word “river” was actually inserted in the King James Version of the Bible, and it is dreadfully abused as the “manifestation of miracles through [false] anointing” in the churches.  Jesus said in John 4:14, “...The water that I shall give him will become IN HIM a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.”  The Amplified Bible 1930 edition, John 7:38-39, “...Springs of Living water… concerning the Holy Spirit Who was not yet given [before the cross and Pentecost.]”  Jeremiah 2:13, “...Springs of Living Water.”  Isa. 58:11, “...Spring of Living water.”  “Fountain or Spring” refers to the Truth and Light of God’s Word inside all sincerely born again believers through His indwelling Holy Spirit!  Yet, the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement made this “river of [false]  light” into ‘hyper-anointing,’ or serpent (kundalini) power and occult ‘light,’ which is now poured unto the earth.  

During the last two centuries, in anticipation of the ‘age of Aquarius,’ (the New Morality; the political and religious rule of gays on earth,) shameless and most arrogant forms of sin and numerous new Christian cults were established. 

Both homosexuals and lesbians now have the legal ‘right’ to ‘marry’ and adopt children – may God protect His innocent orphans!  Additionally, the charismatic church’s false ‘river of anointing’ is flooding the whole earth with their dangerous Kingdom-Now, Latter Rain, Promise Keepers gospel.  This gospel teaches that the ‘river,’ or their ‘anointing’ and ‘authority,’ will save everyone on earth and restore everything before the Lord’s return, and all these distortions of Scripture refer to the river (or false light) of the Androgyny Aquarius and not the true Gospel of Jesus!”  

The ‘Age of Aquarius’ and the End of the World on 12/12/2012

Remember the song Masonic New Agers sang, ‘This is the Dawning of the Age of Aquarius,’ which made singers like Engelbert Humperdinck famous in the 60s and 70s?  Engelbert sang ‘prophetically,’ “When the moon is in the Seventh House, and Jupiter aligns with Mars, Then peace will guide the planets…  This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius…  We dance unto the dawn of day, To be the bearers of the water, [representatives of the god Aquarius the ‘water pourer,’] Our light [false spiritual light of deception and false doctrine poured out on the earth] will lead the way…”

This song was more than ‘fortune telling’ or predictionNew Age hippie cults openly revealed the actual time of Satan’s final onslaught on God and His creation.  For the purpose of understanding what is happening to the inhabitants of planet earth during our time, it is interesting to note that, in the occult, ‘the moon in the 7th house’ always means ‘marriage’ - or in this case, the union of two extremely evil spiritual forces! This star-alignment, (‘when Jupiter aligns with Mars,’) implies the final execution of an old satanic plot against God, earth, humanity, and creation in general.  In astrology, Zeus or Jupiter, the ‘chief’ of the gods or the sky-god, suggests ‘blessing’ or actually, a proliferation of sin and evil as witnessed in the dawning of Aquarius’ gay and lesbian, and ‘free sex,’ drug-abusing hippie cults.  That was a time of the open emancipation of sin and lawlessness, which wiped all types of sex and drug inhibitions off the table for future generations.  Mars, on the other hand, the god of continual and escalating war, has been slowly taking his ‘place’ in world history - as witnessed in the worldwide upsurge in communist anarchy and war. 

The Age of Aquarius has been slowly dawning for the past 50 years.  It will be officially risen when Jupiter aligns with Mars on 12/12/2012.  Poor Aquarius, the so-called abducted sex slave androgyny, the pourer-forth of a river of tears and fearful urine.  Imagine his fear when pederast Jupiter (or Zeus,) the rapist of boys, and his warlord son Mars flank him in marriage or when the ‘moon is in the seventh house.’  In New Age thought, it is ‘logic’ to assume that this time; Aquarius might cry a flood of tears that could destroy every living thing on earth; even earth itself!  This is nonsense, as God promised never to destroy the earth with water again.  Next time, it will be destroyed by fire, (2 Pt. 3:10.) 

Satan has apparently it all planned for the end of the year 2012.  Every significant pagan prophet have prophesied that ‘The Age of Aquarius’ begins officially at 6:48 on 21/12/2012.  They also prophesied ‘from one mouth’ that, in that hour, “the world as we know it would end in a great cataclysmic disaster, or a series of destructive disasters.”  Scientists too, believe that the earth will be destroyed by water.  Even world-renowned scientists say it is documented fact that the polar ice caps are already melting at a phenomenal rate and the sea is rising dangerously as a precursor to this imminent disaster.  (Now, in May 2021, none of those predictions have became a reality!) 

Will God destroy the earth with water?  What does God say about this End-Of-The-World Prediction?

When one looks at the earthquakes and tsunamis of recent years, it appears as if God is indeed planning to destroy the earth with water.  Just think about the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunamis and the 2011 Japan tsunami - it seems as if the water-pourer is indeed pouring physical water, not just oceans of spiritual deception!  However, the True God of the Bible is “not a man that He should lie” and forget the covenant of the rainbow in the clouds that He made with Noah, (Num. 23:19-20; Gen. 9:11.)  He is still the Mono or One God of all creation, and He will always remain the God of everything. 

The end of the world will not (and I can now, in 2021, say did not) come on that day, 21/12/2012, when “Jupiter lines with Mars;” flanking Aquarius, the Water Pourer, as prophesied by Satan’s witches, the astrologers.  Why?  Because Jesus Christ has said, “Of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.  But as the days of Noah [and Lot] were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be…  Watch [and be ready] therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming,” (Mt. 24:36-42.)    

Disobedient, Unrepentant Humanity Causes it All

The escalating number of tsunamis and floods, and “wars and rumors of war” worldwide, are indeed the fulfillment of Jesus’ Biblical prophecies concerning the end of the end times, (Matthew chapter 24; Luke 17 & 21; Mark 13.)  The ‘signs of the times’ we now witness are the multilevel fulfillment of Satan’s plan to destroy the earth spiritually through deception, as well as physically through cataclysmic disasters.  Physical floods, wars, etcetera, are literal manifestations of the cataclysmic wars that are raging in the spirit world!  For instance, when a family is physically torn apart by incest,  adultery, violence, slander, etcetera in the physical world, one can be certain that because of the unrepentant sin of some of their members, the holy angels of God have to refrain from restraining the physical destruction that is caused by demons from the spirit world.  Because of humanity’s incredible disobedience to Scripture and unrepentance from false religion and personal sin, Jesus prophesied that the end times will be typified by deception and war, (Mt. chapter 24.) 

However, Jesus commanded in Jeremiah 10:2, “Do not learn the way of the Gentiles; do not be dismayed at the signs of the heaven, [or on earth,] for the Gentiles are dismayed at them. But their customs are futile…”  God is still allowing Satan to keep the “whole [unrepentant] world under his [deception or] sway,” but God has always and will always remain the Sovereign King and Owner of His universe, and of earth and its inhabitants in particular, (1 Jn. 5:19.)  Nevertheless, Satan wants to unreservedly possess all of God’s creation.  So, in conjunction with Aquarius’ floods and deception, the so-called ‘influence of the planet Mars’ signifies intense political unrest and war on earth as a prelude to Satan’s final, physical assault on the believers of Christ - and on God’s sovereign reign over, and possession of the physical earth.   

However, when the seventh or last trumpet sounds, “...The kingdoms of this world [will] become the kingdoms of our Lord and His Christ, and He will reign forever!” (Rev. 11:15; Jn. 5:19 – Read 1 Cor. 15:50-53; 1 Ths. 4:16-18.) 



The political, monetary, and religious systems of the “Old Morality” will be destroyed

While spiritual deception governs the religious sphere, war rules the political world, seated in the worldwide, escalating chaos of communism’s false ‘bill of human rights,’ (Rev. 12:2-8.)]  Cirlot's Dictionary of Symbols states, “All Eastern and Western traditions relate [this age of Aquarius] to the symbolic flood which stands for the end of a formal universe...”

The ‘end of the formal universe’ pertains to a complete change of law; governmental, as well as religious rule as humanity has known it since time immemorial.  Though still incredibly sinful, the world has ‘always’ been governed by God’s Moral Law in some way or another, (Rom. 2:13-14.)  However, in 2009, at President Obama’s inauguration, the leader of the ‘free, new’ world, openly called for the worldwide establishment of the rule and law of “The New Morality;” effectively replacing “The Old Morality” of the Bible with barefaced humanism.  This might sound good because we really need some ‘human rights’ in this unfair, oppressing dimension.  But while it will bring about a complete and utter end to the ‘old’ world as we know it, this holds nothing good for humanity, who is ruled and controlled by global Illuminati powers.  In fact, Jesus prophesied in Luke 21:25-27 that by fazing out the Old Morality, “men’s hearts will faint from fear [and anxiety] over what is coming upon the earth…  Then they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds...” 

John prophesied this worldwide cataclysm in Revelation 6:12-16, saying, “He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth… and the moon became like blood… the stars of heaven fell to earth… Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place.  And the kings of the earth, great men, rich men, the commanders, mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves in the rocks of the mountains…” The Spirit Filled Bible 1991 version noted, “The sixth seal describes a cosmic catastrophe inconceivable to the human mind; it is not to be interpreted [merely] literally… [as it would occur as a multilevel fulfillment – spiritually, emotionally, physically, politically, secularly, financially, etcetera.]  

That day, whenever it may be, when Satan’s global government finally institutes the entire New Morality and the ultimate control of the One World Order, “making [final] war on the [true] saints to overcome them” on a worldwide scale, having “authority over [all the souls and the entire political and monetary systems of] every tribe, tongue, and nation; all who dwell on the earth will worship him – except those, whose names have been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb, [Jesus’ sincerely born again disciples, who follow Him in Scriptural obedience as far as humanly possible…]  “For [the political/religious beast] causes all, both small and great.. [rich a

nd poor, etc.,] to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name… 666.  [This will be a totalitarian, cashless society.]” - (Mt. 7:21-24; Rev. 13:7-8; 12:16-18.) 

The world view of the ‘Old Morality,’ executed by political/church rule, will fall in favor of the political/religious ‘New Morality’ of the New World Order.  The entire focus of political/religious rule will be shifted from ‘one pole to another,’ effectively destroying the entire political/religious earth in its wake.  Communist gods and christs are already worshiped in many Dictator-worshiping Communist Paradises worldwide, where the Global Planners have persecuted nearly all other forms of religion to the brink of extinction. 

The day will come when the ‘new’ political/religious beast, the One World Order, will not tolerate ‘any other god before him.’  Daniel prophesied in chapter 7:25, “He will speak pompous words against the Most High, will persecute the [real] saints of the Most High, and will intend to change times and law.  Then the saints, [the true children of God,] will be given into his hand for a time and times and half.”  Spirit Filled Bible 1991 footnote, “Classical interpretation does not associate ‘a time, times and half a time’ with a literal ‘three and a half year’ period [as Pentecostal Charismatics do.] Rather, it is viewed as representing an indefinite, divinely controlled time period...”  In Revelation 18:4-24, John saw the imminent fall of the old political/church system, (church and government have ‘always’ been inseparable,) and called out, “Come out of her my people, [the political accepted church system that imitates the true body of Christ,] lest you share in her sins and lest you receive of her plagues… Her plagues will come in one day… The [political] kings of the earth who committed fornication and lived luxuriously with her will weep and lament for her… standing at a distance for fear of her torment… and the merchants of the earth will mourn over her… [Suddenly; ‘in one day,’ the ‘new’ political/religious beast will dethrone the “Old [Christian] Morality” and strip her of all her power, wealth, and money.]”  

Aquarius’ New Morality is not new at all

President Obama’s New Morality is in fact the unabashed, worldwide revival of planned masonic/communist chaos to bring about total satanic control on earth.  Thus, the New Morality is nothing new!  It is an old-old ‘occult immorality,’ as expressed through incredible acts of idolatry and witchcraft, ‘divine sexual relations with demons,’ ‘divine misogyny,’ ‘divine homosexuality’ and divine patriarchy“as in the days of Noah and Lot.”  In homosexual culture, the ‘Age of Aquarius’ is a joke, which points to the global rule of male supremacy through ‘divine’ homosexual pedophilia and pederasty, which actually constitutes human sacrifice to Satan through ritual impalement!  To the contrary, lesbians supposedly turned to other women to gain freedom from misogynist discrimination and oppression, but Aquarius has other plans for homosexual rule on earth, which does not “regard women.”  (Read this prophesy in Dan. 11:36-39, which is now materializing in every detail.) 

(Continue to the Pentecostal-Charismatic Movement)