(Continued from The New Morality will Govern the earth) Home
CONTINUATION — Witchcraft… ON THIS PAGE: Þ Does the Bible teach that Jews and Christians are gods? Þ THE NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION/RECONSTRUCTION COMES FROM MASONRY, LATTER DAY SAINTS & MORMONISM Þ The First, Second, Third and Fourth Pentecost’s ‘Latter Rain; ‘Elijah-Prophets,’ & the ‘worldwide river of anointing’ Þ TRUTH ABOUT ‘DO NOT BE DRUNK ON WINE… BUT BE “FILLED” WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT’
Renette Vermeulen
Links to the subjects in this article on the Pentecost/Charismatic Movement
Foreword Here is the truth about the “latter rain” or so-called continual “outpouring of the Holy Spirit like at Pentecost for a ‘new’ anointing.” The Pentecostal Spirit Filled Life Bible 1991 — beware all new, totally corrupted translations, Zechariah 10:1, “Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain. He mill make flashing clouds and give showers of rain, and grass in the field for everyone…” Footnote, “...God controls the rain, even in the time of the latter rain, (spring,) when we assume there will be sufficient [rain for growing the crops,] we must still ask Him to send sufficient rain…” Unbelievably, Pentecostal-Charismatics link this verse about the literal “latter rain” (spring) to their so-called “continual outpourings of the ‘holy’ spirit.” However, as true believers are the temple of the Scriptural Holy Spirit, “they have [already] the [full] anointing of the Spirit Who [constantly] abides in them,” (1 Jn. 2:20, 27; Mt. 28:18-20!) No believer can be without the indwelling Holy Spirit for a moment, because then “they are none of His,” (Rom. 8:9.) Now if they so blatantly lie to us about one verse, they lie to us about everything. A spirit cannot grow. Thus, our born again human spirits are “complete” in Christ, (Col. 2:9-10.) However, our “souls” or minds, (thoughts, beliefs, and emotions,) must be constantly “renewed” to understand God’s will to be “doers of His Word,” (Rom. 12:1-3.)
Despite Scriptural truth, the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement is constantly “evolving” into greater chaos as they continue to experience extremely false and chaotic “new outpourings of ‘the holy spirit.’” Still, no personally born again believer can say these people, since they started Pentecostalism in 1901, did not preach the core of the Gospel to make disciples for Christ. They know the Scriptures and how to praise and worship God. Yet, obedience to the truth of God’s Word was not enough for them. So, they evolved into “lawlessness,” as Jesus warned, (Mt. 7:21-24!) Paul seriously stated, “...Do not think beyond what is written… [and] do not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God appointed you…” (1 Cor. 4:6; 2 Cor. 10:13.) But to supposedly “save the whole world through a so-called rising, global revival,” they assume ‘more and more’ spiritual power, authority, and so-called ‘revelation knowledge’ than what God had revealed in His Word. This is how they became the great, backsliding, end-time, ecumenical danger, which Jesus warned about in Matthew 24:24, and throughout New Testament Scripture. They are allegedly currently “experiencing” their “Fourth Wave,” or fourth ‘holy spirit’ outpouring through Charismatic Hermeneutics, or doing with God’s Word as they please. This officially started in the year 2,000, when they supposedly stepped into their “fourth Pentecost.” Essentially, Charismatic Hermeneutics means, “Broad or general, non specific interpretations of Scripture.” And so, “hermeneutics” explain exactly why they say, “Don’t read the Bible; be the Bible!” In other words, “Do what thou willst is the whole of the law.” As this is the creed of the Church of Satan, one may seriously ask, “Is the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement Christianized Satanism?” ¨ With sadness, in the light of contextual Scripture, I will prove that nearly everything, apart from the core of the Gospel, which they began with, is twisted, taken out of context, and extremely false! And so is everything they teach concerning the end-time, as defined by their New Apostolic Reformation/Reconstruction dogma. They are guided by Catholic/Reformed Preterism and Dominionism, which do not connect them to Biblical Truth, but to the ecumenist Church of Rome with its dreadful Kingdom Now dogma. Additionally, masonic orders have completely infiltrated them. If it could be that they were not established by masons, they are now fully under their control.
When I came to Christ among them in 1988, the passionate meetings of Pentecostalism were orderly and about moral holiness, repentance from worldliness, and gathering riches in heaven. Today, they assume extra-Scriptural “dominion” over every area of life; political and secular life as well. They say “they will do what Jesus could not do,” (Jn. 18:36.) Before Jesus’ return, they will allegedly reform and reconstruct this world into God’s physical Kingdom on earth. What’s more, they will do it all through the so-called “reinstated,” Old Testament, mediating priesthood, (see the truth 1 Timothy 2:5-7,) and the “lost superpower” of the first apostles: their “hyper anointed,” masonic, ‘Joel’s Army. Of course, all this is impossible, as the Old Testament and New Testament are two completely different Covenants: the first was with the Hebrews, which was annulled at the cross, (Hebrews 8:13,) and the second and eternal Covenant is with all true believers from “every tribe, tongue and nation,” (John 3:16.) God will never return to the ousted, Old Testament Covenant. Thus, Jesus and His disciples’ focus was wholly on the Body of Christ and eternal life in heaven. What’s more, nothing of either the Spirit’s gifts or the ministry of the first apostles were “lost.” Because the Roman Catholic Church systematically smothered ‘The Way’ or Jesus’ first assemblies of believers with Mary worship, the Spirit simply wrote “Ichabod” over the church system. Nonetheless, through the ages, true believers always served Christ as His persecuted, blood-saved, Spirit indwelt, Scripture-obeying, holy saints, (Heb. Chapters 7-9; Acts 7:49; 9:2; 22:4.) Sadly, the Pentecostal Movement systematically lost sight of basic, New Covenant truth. Hence, they actually lost The Real Truth, Light, and Way, Jesus Himself, Who is the Only Way to God the Father in heaven, (Jn. 14:6; 2 Cor. 11:14, KJV.) Jesus unmistakably declared in John 18:36, “My [Spiritual] Kingdom is not of this world. If My Kingdom were of this world, My servants would [physically] fight so that I should not be delivered to the Hebrews...”
Nevertheless, through Charismatic Hermeneutics, they now claim they are the Bible! Most of their preachers do not even open the Bible during church meetings. The demonic chaos that rule their meetings through their “broad” and personal interpretations of Scripture is indescribable. They boldly declare ‘they are also christs and little gods.’ They allege, “When you only do what is written in the Bible, you are “legalistic” and “put God in a box. Not everything God does is in the Bible.” Yet, 1 John 2:4-5 commands, “He who says, ‘I know Him’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoever keeps His [true, contextual] Word, truly, the love [and truth] of God is perfected in Him. By [obeying God’s Scriptural truth,] we know that we are in Him.” Their problem is, if they were to obey God’s Scriptural truth, they would not be able to keep on “evolving” in their ‘hyper anointing’ and “spiritual superpowers.” The “fruits” of such insolence towards God’s Holy Word are gross violations of His Gospel and commandments. Their meetings are all about spiritual manifestations and speaking together in tongues. (And I do experience the manifestation of the Scriptural Gifts of the indwelling Holy Spirit.) Thus, they manifest “untested” spirits that drive them into uncontrollable madness, instead of obeying the Scriptures, which teach, “If anyone speaks in a tongue [in meetings] let there be two or at the most three, each in turn, and let one interpret. If there is no interpreter, let him keep silent in the meetings… Let two or three prophesy and let the others judge [if it is from God...] The spirits of the prophets [and everyone else] are subject to [them.] For God is not the author of confusion but of peace,” (1 Ths. 5:21; 1 Jn. 4:1-14; 1 Cor. 14:29-33.) ¨ Prophesying against the chaos of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement as a whole, Jesus said, “I have told you beforehand… [beware of] false christs [“super anointed ones:” ‘christ’ means “anointed one,”] and false prophets, who will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive even the [truly born again believers...]” Jesus also prophesied the outcome of this Movement in Matthew 7:21-14. He stated, “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the [Scriptural] will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in That Day, ‘Lord, Lord,’ have we not prophesied, cast out demons, and done many wonders in Your Name? [This points directly to the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement, as most other denominations reject the gifts of the Holy Spirit.] And then I will say to them, ‘I never knew you. Depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” DOES THE BIBLE TEACH THAT HEBREWS AND CHRISTIANS ARE ‘GODS?’Roman Catholic canonization of ‘saint’ worship and the familiarity, which the Vatican bred between their church members and their deceased ‘spiritual ancestors’ instead of relying on Jesus Himself, is sheer idolatry. This Roman idolatry also permeated Protestant denominations through the unrepentance of Reformers such as Luther and Calvin. That is why even the much revered ‘Protestant’ King James Version of the Bible still calls the Book of Revelation “The Revelation of Saint John the Divine.” By God’s grace, later translations call this Book, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” However, masonic Knight of Malta Kenneth Copeland and the rest of the Charismatic Hermeneutics crew such as Benny Hinn firmly attached themselves to the Vatican to bring their members under the pope’s control. Thus, they also accepted the pagan ‘logic’ of Theosis; (Christian gods.) They reckon, if God is the personal Father of His believers as the Bible teaches, they cannot merely have God inside their born again ‘hearts’ or human spirits; they must be gods themselves. So, Copeland blasphemes, “When I read in the Bible where God tells Moses, ‘I AM,’ I say, ‘Yah, I AM too!” Jesus did not say in John 10:34-36 that Hebrews and Christians are ‘special anointed christs and gods.’ Copeland & Company’s doctrine of Theosis is a great deception. Yet, to ‘prove’ this claim, they quote John 10:34-36, where Jesus said to the Hebrews, “Is it not written in your law, I said, ‘You are gods?’ If He called them gods, to whom the Word of God came and the Scripture cannot be broken… [how can you] say I blaspheme, because I said, I Am the Son of God?’” Paul, proclaiming salvation only through the complete atonement of Jesus Christ, asked in Romans 3:9-26, “Are we [Hebrews] better than [the non-Hebrew Gentile nations?] Not at all. For… both Hebrews and Gentiles are all under sin… as it is written: ‘There is none righteous, no, not one…’” Everyone without Jesus is in a fallen, spiritual position or state of spiritual death without God. Being born again through faith makes us the temple of the Spirit, not “little gods.”
What was Jesus saying to those venomous “brood of vipers,” [Matthew 23:33-39,] the temple masters or Sanhedrin, who always twisted and corrupted the Scriptures to ‘prove’ their false doctrines? (Mark 7:13; Mt. 15:6-9; Col. 2:8.) In the context of John 10:31-39, Jesus never proclaimed that the Hebrews are ‘gods,’ as in ‘deified humans!’ The argument in John 10:34-36 began when Jesus told the Pharisees in verses 26-31, “You do not believe [that I am the Son of God, and thus God Himself in the flesh, Colossians 2:9,] because you are not of My sheep. My sheep hear [or obey] My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me… [because] I and My Father are One.” They then took up stones to stone Him. As the Hebrews again attempted to silence Jesus’ call to repentance from Judaism to Himself, Jesus answered them according to the statement, “You are gods” in Psalm 82 — which is a proclamation of God’s judgment over corrupt judges; metaphorically called ‘gods.’ This means, because judges have absolute power in court, symbolically, their sentences are ‘cast in stone.’ A judge’s sentence was as irreversible as the decision of a ‘god.’ Satan is also called “the god of this world,” which means he deceives and controls the whole world. It does not make him God! ¨ The context of Psalm 82 states, God, the Supreme Judge, judges among the judges and asks, “How long will you judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? [You must] defend the poor and fatherless; do justice to the afflicted and needy… [You should have been as wise as gods because you have such great authority over the people,] yet you do not know, nor understand... Yet, I said, ‘[Your judgments] are [as mighty on earth] as gods, therefore, all of you [should have been as righteous as] children of the Most High. But [because you are corrupt judges,] you will die [in your sin] like [all other sinful, unrepentant] men…’” Those Hebrews knew exactly what Jesus was saying. Jesus was not deifying them; He was judging them. Thus, aligning themselves with those corrupt judges of Psalm 82, proves the exact opposite of what Charismatics pretend to be. THEIR “RESTORATION” or “NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION/RECONSTRUCTION” DOGMA COMES FROM MASONRY, LATTER-DAY SAINTS, AND MORMONISMThe ‘latter rain revival,’ or so-called “continuous outpourings of the ‘holy spirit’” to bring “greater and greater revival,” is just another form of the Kingdom-Now-here-on-earth doctrine. Their ‘revival’ began through their so-called ‘First Pentecost’ with the establishment of Pentecostalism in 1901. Once saved through faith in Christ, they plunged from Pentecostalism into their “second Wave” or “second outpouring of the ‘spirit’” into Charismaticism during the 1960s. From there, during the 1980s, the “Third Wave” of Neo-Charismaticism crashed over them. Essentially, this means, since they began their “Third Wave” of “health, wealth, and success,” they “determined their own New Age reality.” Hence, they began to focus entirely on earth and not on heaven, (2 Cor. 11:4 &14.) This is why Benny Hinn yelled, “If I hear one more time about heaven… How is was and how it’s going to be… I will get a holy-ghost machine gun and blow your head off!” Charismatic Hermeneutics or doing with God’s Word as you please, (which evolved from Neo-Charismaticism,) is now the Fourth Wave or ‘fourth Pentecost,’ through another “outpouring of their ‘holy spirit,’” which empowers their so-called ‘mediating’ christ or ‘Elijah spirit;’ the crux of the entire Charismatic Movement.
What happened to the real Holy Spirit’s blood-redeemed, believing temple of the One and Only Pentecost, as described in Acts chapter 2? That Day, the Holy Spirit of the Bible came to indwell sincere believers for the first and only time under Jesus’ New Covenant, until That Day when He returns, (Mt. 28:18-20.) Where are the New Testament Scriptures to support their man-made ‘first, second, third, and fourth Pentecost’ doctrine? What’s more, Christ Jesus Is and always Will Be the Only New Testament Mediator between God and man, (1 Tim. 2:5 and Heb. 1:1-3.) So-called ‘christs and gods’ do not exist. It was over them that Jude prophesied in verses 11-13, “...They ran greedily in the error of Balaam for profit… they are… twice dead… [were born again but died in sin,] for whom is reserved the darkness forever.”
After Pentecostalism’s “First Wave,” the so-called “recovered Pentecost” of Acts Chapter 2, the Latter-Day-Saints deception, one of Pentecostalism's rotten roots, taught another invalid ‘Wave’ or ‘second Pentecost.’ Originally, the so-called “second Pentecost” was mightily disseminated by the Mormon apostle, Bruce R. McConkie, (1915-1985.) McConkie was a member of the Quorum of the 12 Apostles of the Church of the Latter-day Saints. He taught, “The President of the Church is the mouthpiece of God on earth. Thus saith the Lord: ‘Thou shallt give heed unto all his words and commandments which he will give unto you as he receiveth them, walking in all holiness before me: For his word ye will receive, as if from mine own mouth, in all patience and faith.’” – [‘Mormon Prophets,’ Stephen F. Cannon.] McConkie sounds exactly like that great deceiver, Edward Irving, who formed the Old/New Apostle Movement and all it’s extremely false Israeli Timeline prophesies. Today, McConkie still eerily echoes the dogmas of Charismatic Hermeneutics, which progressively and willfully lose even the last slithers of Scriptural Truth to grow in lawlessness. ¨ It is amazing how the god of these churches speaks through their prophets in high, old English, as if he doesn’t understand modern English. However, the words that this god speaks are not the words of the God of the Bible, Who stated in Hebrews 1:1-3, “God, Who at various times and ways spoke in time past [during the Old Testament,] by the prophets, has in these last days [in the New Testament Covenant] spoken to us by His Son, [the “entire Truth” of Scripture,] Whom He has appointed Heir of all things, through Whom also He made the worlds…” Where does God, in New Testament Scripture, say anything about ‘hyper-anointed’ super-christs and “mediating’ prophets — except to warn His children against their deadly deception and destruction? (Mt. 24:23-28; 7:21-24.) Mormonism, as all other end-time cults, is just another Jesuit-masonic creation, as its founder, mason Joseph Smith proved. Mormons argue the point, but it is a polytheist cult that proclaims, “God is only one of many gods.” So-called ‘hyper-anointed’ Mormons also ‘became’ christs and gods, just as the ‘hyper-anointed’ clergy of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement, and the ‘apostle angels, christs, and gods’ of Edward Irving’s Apostolic Movement. Blasphemously, Mormons teach that ‘God is Father Adam,’ and ‘Jesus is the offspring of an angel.’ Their heaven is a place where men govern their own planets, keep many wives, and produce hoards of ‘spirit’ children! THE ‘FOURTH PENTECOST’ AND THE ELIJAH PROPHETS’ “WORLDWIDE REVIVAL”A Different Gospel and “The River of Anointing!” In 2 Corinthians 11:4 & 14 Paul explains the consequences of adhering to false doctrine. He wrote, “...As the serpent deceived Eve [by falsely “dividing” God’s Word and thus bringing her false light…] so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. For if [they] come preaching a different gospel… another Jesus… and another [‘holy’] spirit… you [accept] it.” This is exactly what happened in the Pentecostal Movement, and in all other denominations, where church doctrines instead of the Truth of God’s Word, (the Real Jesus of the Scriptures,) are followed. The Pentecostal/Charismatic Promise Keepers’ Joel’s Army, Manifest Sons of God, etcetera, all descend from the Latter Rain Revival Movement, not from the Bible. They believe, (based on misinterpreted Old Testament prophecies,) in these last days, through them, “God is going to save the whole world.” So, He is pouring out a “worldwide, superior-saving River of Anointing,” as the ‘inferior preaching’ of Jesus’ Gospel simply “could not do it.” This blasphemous lie was already bred into Pentecostalism in 1901, when the grandfather of Pentecostalism, Charles Fox Parham, through their Pentecostal father Joseph William Seymour’s Azusa Street revivals, broke new ground for their ongoing ‘Pentecost-evolution.’ Their “five-fold ministry” then sprang into action to allegedly “save the whole world through their super-anointing,” as if the Savior, Jesus of the Bible, still has not risen from the grave, and His True Word is also dead.
The Truth about Eph. 5:18, “Do not be drunk with wine, in which is debauchery; but be filled with the Spirit…” In the New Testament, not a single so-called ‘miracle’ of Charismaticism’s “Toronto blessing” manifested at Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit once and for all indwelt all His true believers through the ages “until the end of this world,” under the Eternal, Indestructible, New Covenant of the Biblical Jesus, (Mt. 28:119-20.) The Spirit did manifest His real gift of tongues That Day at Pentecost. As all His other Scriptural gifts, this gift of Holy-Spirit tongues still ‘naturally’ “follows” sincere, born again believers, (Mark. 16:15-18.) However, the Pentecostal/Charismatic insanity in churches, (hysteric laughter, flying, falling, drunkenness, howling, etcetera,) was definitely not part of the manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit on That Day of Pentecost, (Acts Chapter 2.) Neither were those strange manifestations part of the meetings and ministrations of the first disciples — or of true disciples through the ages. The Charismatic unholy, “drunken [debauchery] in the spirit” is definitely not from the Holy Spirit of the Bible. The context of their grossly twisted verses, (Eph. 5:18-19,) which supposedly ‘prove’ that their chaotic drunkenness is the alleged “drunkenness in Acts chapter 2,” was firmly refuted by Jesus’ Living Word. 1.) In Acts Chapter 2, there was no ‘drunkenness’ or any Charismatic ‘debauchery’ at God’s One and Only Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. After the Holy Spirit indwelt the disciples, bystanders “each heard the disciples speak” glorification to God “in [the bystanders’] own languages,” without ever learning to speak those languages, (Acts 2:11-13.) [This does not nullify the ‘personal’ tongues that speak “mysteries to God,” 1 Cor. 14:2!] ¶¶¶ But some “mockers said, ‘They are drunk.’” So, to compare the chaos of Charismaticism to what really happened at Pentecost when the Spirit first indwelt His believers, is “mocking” God and the holy gifts of the Spirit! ¶¶¶ Then, Peter and the other disciples proved that they were completely sober. Acts 2:14:21, “Peter and the eleven stood up [to address this false allegation. They must have been sitting down to stand up. They were not falling over or rolling on the floor, slobbering over everybody, howling, screaming, and mindlessly laughing their skulls off.] ¶¶¶ Next, Peter firmly corrected them, saying, “These are not drunk as you suppose... Raising his voice, [he then began to preach Jesus’ Gospel to them. This is [the complete fulfillment of] what was prophesied by Joel… ‘It will come to pass in the last days, says God, [during the New Testament Covenant, which was inaugurated at Jesus’ death and resurrection,] that I will pour out of My Spirit on all [sincerely believing] flesh, (Jn. 3:16.) Your sons and daughters… menservants [male ministers] and maidservants [female ministers] will prophesy… ” ¶¶¶ This reaffirms Jesus’ prophecies in the Gospels. For instance, ‘These, as all other born again disciples, (1 Thessalonians. 5:23; John 1:12-13,) will henceforward be fully indwelt by the Holy Spirit “until the end of the world,”’ (Jn. 7:38-39; Mt. 28:19-20.) ‘They now have God’s entire fullness of the Holy Spirit abiding in them,’ (1 Jn. 2:20; 27, Jn. 14:16-17,) because “He does not give His Spirit by measure,” [in part, or in successive portions,] (Jn. 3:34 KJV.) So, the strange languages the disciples began to speak after the indwelling of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost are “a sign to unbelievers” not ‘evidence to believers,’ 1 Cor. 14:22, that “all the gifts of the Spirit will follow them…” (Mark 16:16-18.) True believers will simply accept and believe Jesus’ promise, and ‘naturally’ manifest His gifts. 2.) Paul also refuted the Charismatic “drunkenness” claim, (Ephesians 5:18.) He commanded in Ephesians 5:15-20, “See that you walk circumspectly, [cautiously, watchfully,] not as fools but as wise.... Do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. [His true will is as follows:] ¶¶¶ Do not be drunk [at all, either] with wine, [drugs, or through the control of evil spirits,] in which is dissipation, [wickedness and corruption…] But [instead,] be filled with the Spirit, [not through ‘successive Pentecosts,’ but by following the indwelling Spirit into “all truth;” giving Him complete control to lead you into a holy, God-pleasing life, Jn. 16:13.]” For “God gives the Holy Spirit to those who obey Him, (Acts 5:32.)” This is the “sober fulfillment” of the Spirit, as described in Ephesians 5:19-21. ¶¶¶ God’s Holy Spirit always acts holy, and thus expects His disciples to act holy. One of His “fruits” is self-control. Thus, He empowers. He never overpowers like the gods of the occult do, (Gal. 5: 23; 1 Cor. 14:1-2; 31-33.) ¶¶¶ Despite Jesus’ entire New Covenant as the holy evidence of the Holy Spirit, the Pentecostal/Charismatic ‘five-fold’ ‘god-men’ have supposedly “found the ‘lost’ anointing of Paul and the other apostles,” as well as the “mediation of Old Testament prophets such as Elijah,” (the so-called ‘Elijah spirit.’) That is why, what Paul and the other apostles allegedly also could not do, these hyper-anointed supermen say, they are accomplishing. |