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· Peter Wagner was HEAD APOSTLE and Masonic Knight of Malta, Rick Joyner, is TOP PROPHET 

· Promise Keepers: the ‘new breed of christs,’ who had ‘become’ the Word and Light  - pure freemasonry!

· ‘Don’t read the Bible, BE the Bible!” 

· The twisted verse, which makes Promise Keepers into ‘human manifestations’ of God Himself 

· The true meaning of the “glory” 

· “You are a chosen generation!” (The New Breed!)   




So-called ‘Miracles’ are induced by hypnotism, auto-suggestion, visualization, and Eastern Mysticism

We must never accept false spiritual authority over us, (Gal. 2:4-5.)  Yet, people think it is fine to submit to narcissist preachers and psychiatrists who swing pendulums to induce the trance-state of hypnotism.  As a result, they also believe it is normal to be deceived and brainwashed.  Meanwhile, narcissists control and misuse the unwary, and psychiatrists evoke demons to accomplish hypnotism, and it is sin to surrender to abusers of any type, (1 Cor. 7:23; Rom. 1:32.) 

Yet, most of the Pentecostal/Charismatic so-called ‘hyper anointed sermons’ and ‘miracles’ consist of occult techniques such as hypnosis and brainwashing; induced by suggestion, auto suggestion, positive confession, visualization, and ‘commanding’  their so-called personal angels’ to do their miracles.  (God is the only One Who command His angels.)  In Jesus’ Name, believers have spiritual authority over demons, but not over holy angels!  (Eph. 6:10-18; Mark 16:16.)

Obviously, all ‘miracles’ brought about by techniques such as these are demonically inspired, controlled, and executed.  For instance, without defining their intension as such, televangelists sell their ‘anointed prayer-rags’ by the thousands; suggesting that buying ‘their unique super-anointing’ is more powerful than personal prayer to God.  They also resort to mind-control by continually repeating the same phrases to persuade people to submit to them.  E.g., ‘You cannot be blessed if you do not tithe’ - which is a lie.  In Christ, true believers are already fully blessed, (Gal. 3:10-14.)


Under the guise of the anointing of the True Holy Spirit, leaders induce mind-altering, hypnotic trances by repeating a word or a simple catchphrase over and over, (like hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah…) until the audience is susceptible to any type of suggestion.  Or, through continuous occult chanting, they make audiences rhythmically repeat phrases like, “I am… more than… a conqueror…” until stark-eyed people under the influence of Kundalini or serpent power jump enthusiastically to their feet, shaking their fists in a warlike manner, chanting rhythmically, “I am… more than… a conqueror! I am… more than… a conqueror!  I am...”  Then, to ‘birth’ a miracle or ‘victory,’ false preachers use visualization and positive confession, shouting, “In Jesus Name, see yourself driving that white Mercedes!” 

Despite all God’s Scriptural warnings, at this level of the trance, preachers have prepared the audience to believe and execute any belief or action, which they wish to “impart” to them under the guise of the working of the Holy Spirit

¨ They are seriously violating God’s Word, which commands, “Do not use vain, [senseless, empty] repetitions as the heathen do…. For they think they will be heard for their many words.  Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him….”  Without testing the spirits behind this chaos, audiences surrender to the control of “ministers of Satan, who turn themselves into angels of light,” (Mt. 6:7-9; 2 Cor. 11:4-15.) 

These so-called ‘miracle makers’ and false “deliverers” rob believers of God’s promise that all His sincere disciples already “have a [human] spirit of power, love, and self-control (or a sound mind.)”  What’s more, they already have the full anointing of the Real Holy Spirit in their spirits, which constantly “abides” in them, (1 Jn. 2:20, 27.)  Thus, God expects them to use their “sound, [sober, sensible] mind” and flee from all deceivers - (Mt. 6:7-13; 2 Tim. 1:7.) 


The occult equivalent of submission to such witches, is the trance-state of Yoga, where people breathe rhythmically, chanting “Ommmmm...” and then, under demonic power, they can do very strange, material-defying things such as walking on hot coals without burning, piercing themselves through without bleeding, etcetera. 

None of those techniques can manifest ‘itself’ through so-called ‘brain power.’  The brain is simply a physical organ and the mind, (which the Bible calls “the soul” or “the flesh,”) controls our consciousness, thoughts, intellect, will, and emotions.  However, our minds, (“the natural/carnal man,”) do not have supernatural or spiritual power, (2 Cor. 2:13-16.)  Thus, the mind can never ‘become spiritual’ or function in the spirit world, as the soul, (mind,) the human spirit, [‘heart,’] and the physical body are separate entities.  Together, they form a living person, (1 Ths. 3:23.) 

Yet, while people are under the control of demons, it might seem that ‘brain power’ can bend spoons, while unseen demons are doing the work!  To protect us from demonic control, God commanded us to be in control of our minds or thoughts as far as possible.  We must never deliberately ‘empty’ our minds, as demons can then take possession of us.  (Here, we are not talking about relaxing naturally.)  As far as possible, we must focus our thoughts on Jesus and His Word, and ask His continual protection even while asleep, (1 Pt. 1:13; Rom. 12:2; Col. 3:2.)  


¶¶¶ The following occult terms have become Bible truth in many denominations, but they are techniques used in Eastern mysticism and therefore, they are products of the devil himself.  ‘Centering prayer’ focuses on a so-called ‘sacred word’ while allowing people to empty their minds to slip into ever deepening ‘prayer,’ ‘worship,’ or ‘meditation.’  ‘Prophetic prayer,’ is so-called “soaking” or “resting” completely empty-minded “in God’s presence” to allegedly “pray the very words of God Himself prophetically, while being “mindless conduits,” supposedly “between God and mankind.”  Sozo Prayer is “a unique salvation or so-called deliverance ministry through so-called Christian spirit guides or “personal angels;” placing those who are possessed or allegedly “oppressed by the devil,” into a trancelike state to lead them through emotional chaos to spiritual and emotional ‘inner healing,’ to find ‘a new experience with God.”  Actually, spirits can never “die,” “grow,” or be “wounded.”  Our born again spirits are “complete in Christ,” (Col. 2:10.)  Everything we experience on a physical level, is through our “minds,” or thoughts, will, and emotions, (Rom. 12:1-3.)  Thus, all these methods to “make God perform” are Buddhist/Hindu/New Age witchcraft, which try to substitute the Scriptural anointing and work of the Holy Spirit, and the real ministry of God’s holy angels, with counterfeit spirits. 



A magician is a performer, who conjures up spells by reciting an incantation and waving a magic wand and pouf! the magician supposedly ‘spoke’ a frog, rabbit, or whatever into existence!  Yeah, sure – not without the trickery of a backstage human or demon or both.  Satan can never create life.  He is but a mere creature of Jesus the Creator, (Heb. 1:1-14.)  All he has are lies and deception.  He is in fact a brilliant, slight-of-hand illusionist, (2 Cor. 11:3-4; 14-15.)  This is why the magicians of Pharaoh's court, who replicated the plaques of Egypt, were mere illusionists.  Even if they could do magic, they had no part in the meticulous, intelligent planning and creation of what they supposedly ‘manifested.’  

Blasphemously, ‘faith’ teachers claim they are merely imitating God, Who simply ‘spoke’ everything into existence; creating the universe and everything in it by His All-Powerful Word.  However, God’s Word is Jesus Himself, and they use occult practices such as Positive Confession and Visualization to ‘birth’ miracles through demonic power, (Jn. 1:1-14.)  They are blasphemously connecting their occult ramblings to Rhema; the power of the Holy Spirit or God Himself. 

Hence, Bible truth contradicts their version of ‘Rhema.’  Genesis 2:4 KJV meticulously tells us, “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host [inhabitants] with them.  And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had made…” after the Lord God meticulously planned everything.  During creation, God decided, ‘Let there be a firmament…’ [so] God made the firmament… Then God [decided,] ‘Let there be lights…’ [so] God made the two great lights… ‘Let Us make mankind in Our image…’ [so,] male and female He created them... And the Lord God formed [or sculpted] man from the dust of the ground…  Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast…” In fact, only Eve was “created in the image of God,” not from dust but from part of Adam’s body!  (Gen. 1:27-28.) 

The rest of the Old Testament confirms how God created everything by Personally making everything with His own handsGod “made” the stars with His own hands.  He Personally “formed” the earth to be inhabited.  He “poured” the waters of the sea, “measured” the waters in the hollow of His hand; “marked out” the heavens, (the different layers of earth’s atmosphere) with a span, “calculated” the dust of the earth in a measure, and “weighed” the mountains on scales, (Gen. 1:6-7, 14-16; 20-21; 26-28; 2:7, 19. Gen. 2:21-25; Amos 5:8, Isa 45:18; 40:12-26; and Prov. 30:4.) 

Of course, much of these descriptions are allegories, but the contextual truth of God’s Word proves that the Charismatic doctrine of “Rhema” is blatant witchcraft; turning the Almighty, All-powerful, All-holy, All-present Creator God of the Bible into a kind of uninvolved, loveless magician.


Peter Wagner was the Worldwide Head Apostle of the “hyper-anointed Supermen and Wonder women” of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Movement.  One can, therefore, never exclude Wagner from the Baphomet worshiping masonic orders that are growing in plain sight in this movement.  When Paul Cain named the Promise Keeper’s so-called “manifest sons of God,” “the New Breed” (of christs and gods,) we can be certain that Wagner was watching approvingly. 

Rick Joyner is the Top Prophet of this Movement Worldwide, (2008.)  He candidly declares he is a masonic, Roman Catholic Knight of Malta.  Unbelievably, during his meetings, Joyner openly recruits Jesus’ blood redeemed believers to join the ‘noble’ “Knights of Malta cause!”  The most atrocious forms of witchcraft is going on in his ‘prophetic church,’ Morning Star Ministries.  As the head of this masonic-controlled organisation, Joyner is directly responsible for the phenomenal growth in masonic sun/phallic worship among Pentecostal Charismatics. 

The true children of God must know that Jesus is not the ‘morning star’ or any other ‘star,’ which refers to an angel.  “Morning star” refers to the light of Lucifer or Satan, the false light-bringer, (Rev. 12:4; Isa. 14:12; Ezk. 28:15-17.)   Of course, masonic orders that infiltrated the churches confess their sincerity to Christ, but it is not their confessions that make them true disciples of Jesus.  Their continual fruit or behavior, and what they really teach, prove who they are! 

In Promise Keepers circles, as everywhere else, it is a question of “show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.”  So, I say without a shadow of doubt that all the leaders of this movement belong to masonic orders, because they all support and teach these doctrines wholeheartedly.  Non-masons and leaders that are truly committed to Jesus will never belong to secret societies, or teach and endorse false doctrines.  They will know, Paul warned in Romans 1:32 that those who unrepentantly believe and teach lies “are deserving of death; not just they themselves, but also those who approve of those who practice them!” 


Concerning the gatherings of Promise Keepers/Joel’s Army/Manifest Sons of God/Elijah Prophets in giant sports arenas, (which were traditional temples for ritual blood sacrifice,) their ‘father’ Paul Cain said, “[God] is calling out a great host of men ready and willing to become christs in their homes: Promise Keepers.  In grand, bold weeps, God is mustering an army [to allegedly save the whole world!]”  This is the New Reformation/Reconstruction doctrine; their ecumenical return to the Church of Rome.  God will not change or save this world; it is destined for the fire at His return, (2 Pt. 3:10.)  God is into the renewal and transformation of the “minds” of personally born again believers; not into “conformation” to masonic controlled church systems, (John 1:16; Rom. 12:1-3; Rev. 18:4.) 

Jesus prophesied the rise of these blasphemers when He said in Matthew 24:23-28, “Many will come in My Name saying, ‘I am the christ,’ and they will show great [but false] signs and wonders to deceive even the [born again body of Christ.]” 

In pure masonic lingo, they call themselves “Joel’s Army:” the “New Breed” or “New Man,” who allegedly ‘became incorruptibly changed’ without Jesus’ visual return on the clouds, (1 Ths. 4:16-18.)  As so-called immortal ‘super-christs’ and ‘gods in the flesh,’ [‘manifest sons of God,’] they even allege they will not suffer physical death – or at least, live until they are 140 years old!  In the guise of Jesus Himself, they first introduced this ‘New Breed’ or New Superman, masonic jargon to the church when Todd Bentley and Paul Cain visited the great Lakeland Revival fallacy, to spread their satanic prophecies, teaching, and so-called Toronto ‘blessing’ there.  

Until Jesus returns for His sincere disciples, all those who died physically will ‘sleep in their graves; waiting for His return,’ (2 Ths. 4:13-18!)  There is only One God and Christ; His Name is Jesus.  He shares His Divinity and holy throne with no one else.

The verse, Romans 8:19, which ‘makes’ them into ‘human manifestations of  God’ or “God Himself in the flesh

It never ceases to amaze what abusers of God’s Word can derive from a once-off word, verse, or a difficult-to-interpret snippet from the Bible. This is exactly what the Promise Keepers Movement did with their so-called “manifest sons of God” doctrine, which allegedly turned them into “firstfruits” and “gods in the flesh,” (Rom. 8:18-27.) 

In the context of Scripture the relevant verse, (Romans 8:19, KJV,) does not say, “manifest sons of God” are “people changing into God Himself,” or “into christs in their homes.” Verse 18 states, “I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which will be revealed in us at [the return of Christ.]  (Verse 19:) For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons [children] of God.”   

This verse is about God’s physical deliverance at His return, and actually states, (KJV,) “…The revealing, [not manifestation,] of the [allegorical/spiritual] sons of God.”  Doesn’t it sound like there is much difference between  “revealing” and ‘manifest?’  Well, where truth and error are concerned, the difference is huge!  On the one hand, we have the uncontextual so-called “visible materialization of the sons of God:” their supposed ‘change’ or shape-shifting into human gods before Jesus returns.  On the other hand, we have the “revealing” or indisputable “shown, made known, disclosed” [children] of God...  [and here is the real context:] when even “creation itself will be delivered from the bondage of corruption… [at the return of Christ!]” (verse 21.) 

In the context of what Scripture really says here, “reveal” means, “made known, divulge, shown, or disclosed for everyone to see who were really the true saints of God,” That Single Day when Jesus returns to gather together the bodies of saints sleeping in the graves and the saints who are still alive, (1 Ths. 4:15-18; 1 Cor. 15:50-58.) 

Romans 8:23-24 testify, “We also, who have [not are!] the firstfruits of the Spirit… are eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our bodies, for we are saved in this hope… [that Jesus will return to redeem us physically from this world, because we were already redeemed spiritually at the moment of our personal rebirth through faith in Christ!]”  The footnote, Spirit Filled Life Bible 1991 version, (beware new translations,) confirms the truth of Romans 8:19, “The physical creation will be redeemed at the consummation of our redemption because creation itself will also be delivered from the bondage of [physical] corruption [at the return of Christ] into the glorious liberty of the children of God, [whose physical bodies will then be transformed spiritually and raised incorruptibly,]” (Verses 19-21; 1 Cor. 15:42-44; 1 Ths. 4:16-18. ) 

►►►   What a brilliant addition to Scripture their false dogma of “manifest sons of god” or “supermen gods” is!  They carry their entire ‘ministry’ on one word, (“manifest,”) which does not exist according to what Paul wrote there!   

►►►   “Firstfruits” too, does not refer to the members of the so-called “First Rain’ or ‘First Pentecost,’ (the so-called ‘first’ outpouring of the ‘holy spirit’ in 1901 with the ‘evidence’ of tongues when Pentecostalism was founded,) or the “second, third, and fourth outpourings of the spirit” though their occult ‘river of super anointing’ that ‘saves’ people ‘without preaching the Gospel to them.’  “Firstfruits” actually refers to God’s pledge to finally redeem the physical members of Jesus’ suffering body of believers at His return, as Jesus was The First Fruit Who rose from the dead! 

The Spirit Filled Life Bible 1991 version, explains, “The Holy Spirit Himself is the Pledge of our full [and final] adoption as God’s children when our bodies are redeemed [at Jesus’ return!]  The metaphor of the firstfruits also suggests that the Holy Spirit and His gifts, [poured out as described in Acts 2,] are the foretaste of the life to come [in heaven,] (Eph. 1:14.)  We groan because although our human spirits were saved by faith in Christ, our [souls or minds, and physical] bodies are still subject to pain and sin in this world.  However, we look forward with hope (v. 24) to our resurrected bodies [at Christ’s return,] which will then be eternally free from frailty and sin,” (1 Cor. 15:50-54.) 

Charismatic Hermeneutics: “Don’t read the Bible, Be the Bible!”

In the minds of these alleged ‘god’ men, people do not have to study the Bible to understand God’s will for their lives in this dark, deceitful world.  The truth of God’s Word is not “the lamp for our feet and the light unto our path” anymore, and we do not have to “live from every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God.”  They have ‘re-created themselves into little gods and christs,’ who can allegedly ‘do their own will’ — not the Scriptural will of God.  Just like the Old, New, and other Apostolic Churches, “God [allegedly] speaks through them, not through the Bible!” 

Paul Cain stated, “He’s gonna perfect the Church so the Church can be the Image, be Him, and be His representation!” – [Tape: ‘My Father’s House’]  He’s ‘gonna’ perfect ‘the church’ so they can be Jesus Himself

Every sincere, Scripturally obedient disciple of Jesus is already spiritually “complete in Him,” (Col. 2:9-10,) although believers will never become christs, gods, or angels!  Still, these teachers led millions to believe they have become gods and christs!  Therefore, they must ‘be the light,’ [the ‘Nur’ in Islamic terms,] instead of studying God’s Word, obeying His Word, and preaching His Word!  But these so-called ‘gods are not referring to God’s True Light, for only Jesus Christ Himself is The Light, while all His sincere disciples carry and shine His Light: the truth of His Word in the power of His Real, Scriptural, Holy Spirit, (Jn. 14:6.)

God is not “gonna perfect the church” either.  The ‘church’ is a mere replica of the body of Christ: a dead building, (Acts 7:44-50.)  Let the Word of God speak the truth concerning that witchcraft as well.  1 John 5:5-13, “…He who [sincerely] believes in the [Name, and personally accepts the complete atonement of] the Son of God has [present tense,] the witness in Himself.  He who does not believe, God has made him a liar, because he has not believed… that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son.  He who has the Son has life; [perfect life; abundant life now and forever more if he remains at Jesus’ feet.]  He who does not have the Son of God does not have life... These things I have written to you… that you may know that you [already] have eternal life, [salvation, redemption and blessing,] and that you may continue to believe in [Him,]” (1 Jn. 5:5-13; Jn. 10:10.)  

Genuine believers also already have the full, abiding anointing of the Holy Spirit in them.  1 John 2:20, 27, “You have [the] anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things [through His Word, which He works in you.]  The anointing which you have [present tense] received from Him abides [stays, dwells continually and constantly] in you…” 

True Meaning of “The Glory

The Biblical ‘glory of God’ or in reality, the glory of God in and through us by His indwelling Holy Spirit, has nothing to do with Pentecostal/Charismatic ‘glory.’  Their ‘glory’ is the supposed manifestation or shape-shifting of these leaders into immortal god-men; working their ‘hyper-anointing,’ which produce incredibly scary and strange signs and miracles

In the context of Romans 8:18-27, the real “glory in us” is “the blessed hope of Christ’s return,” when He will deliver all His sincere believers bodily from this dark, decaying world, (1 Ths. 4:16-18.)  Yet, in complete disobedience to the truth of God’s Word, those masonic “wolves in sheep’s clothing” are leading millions of people away from the truth of the Written Word, (the Logos,) because they themselves have allegedly ‘become’ the spoken word, (rhema;) the ‘holy spirit!’  In addition, through their ‘hyper’ anointing, which has to pour continually “from above,” or from outside them, they can ‘bring the glory down’ to create so-called ‘miracles’ such as unholy, chaotic laughter, uncontrollable howling, violent spinning, falling, shaking, etcetera — all manifestations that they inherited directly from the occult. 

Genuine believers do not constantly need spectacular, showmanship ‘signs’ and ‘wonders’ to confirm that God is working through them.  In His authority, they ‘simply’ preach the truth of His Word as the Holy Spirit present them with the opportunities to do so, and bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit under all circumstances to glorify Jesus.  Such obedient discipleship will ‘naturally’ manifest the true gifts and miracles of the Holy Spirit, which will effortlessly “follow” them wherever they go, (Mark 16:15-18.)  Jesus warned in Matthew 12:39, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign [to glorify themselves and make God perform,] and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah, [Jesus resurrection from the dead.]”  In John 4:48 Jesus said, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you will never [sincerely] believe.”  We can be certain that faithless, self-glorifying miracles are sinful and not from God. 

‘You are a chosen generation…’  (The New Breed)

I Peter 2:9-10 clearly declares, “[All sincerely born again believers] are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that they may proclaim the praises of Him Who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light.”  Yet, turning this straightforward, wonderful truth concerning the whole born again body of Christ into pure Pentecostal/Charismatic witchcraft, is not new to preachers such as Paul Cain.  According to them, only they, the leaders, or the so-called “New Breed of christs and gods,” the Promise Keepers,’ ‘manifest sons of God,’ and their other branches such as “Joel’s Army,” constitute this special, ‘hyper anointed,’ ‘new, or [specially] chosen generation,’ which executes their ‘worldwide, end time revival,’ or the ‘restoration of the entire earth before Jesus’ return.’ 

From all the deadly fruits that they bear, it is certain that these supermen and wonder women with their “other” gospel are led by a totally ‘different’ spirit, (2 Cor. 11:4-14 KJV.)  Truthfully, all those who intend to do God’s will, hear the genuine Voice of the Holy Spirit, Who always leads His real disciples in the whole truth of God’s Word.  Only the “entirety of [Scriptural] truth” is God’s redemption, salvation, and blessing for all those who sincerely accept and follow Jesus, (Jn. 7:17-18; 14:26; Ps. 119:160.)  

As a result, God’s ‘chosen generation, holy nation, and royal priesthood’ are Jesus’ obedient followers, and they are completely redeemed, saved, and blessed by His full atonement in their place.  False teachers and their associates “stumble, being disobedient to the Word… [while obedient, sincerely born again believers in Christ] are… “His own special people, [not to rule as gods on earth, but so] that they may indeed [have the privilege to] “proclaim the praises of Him Who called them out of darkness into His marvelous light…” (1 Pt. 2:9-10.)  


(Continue to Angus Buchan’s Sacred Assemblies of Devine Men)