CONTINUATION – Witchcraft … ON THIS PAGE: · CELTIC GODS OR DRUIDISM AND CHRISTIANITY — THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH EMERGED · How Catholics Christianized much of the pagan world · Reincarnation, polytheism, and the Druids: the active witchcraft of ancestor worship in Christianity · How Juno the Dove became Mother Mary, the Holy Spirit of Roman Catholic Christianity ► THE CHRISTIANIZED FERTILITY OR INCEST FEAST OF LUPERCUS BECAME ‘SAINT’ VALENTINE’S DAY · THE APHRODISIAC MYTH · Pagan/Christian veneration of relics or lucky charms · TRUE BLESSING AND HEALING ARE GIFTS FROM GOD · Carrying the god in Christianity and in paganism
CELTIC GODS OR DRUIDISM AND CHRISTIANITY The Christian Church Emerged Thousands of years after God confused the people’s one-world language at the Tower of Babel and scattered them over the earth, the ancient Indo-European Celts, (Welsh, Irish, Scottish, Gaelic, Breton, Brythonic, Goidelic peoples,) guided by their Druidic priesthood, ruled much of Europe, (Genesis 11.) Their migration into Europe began as early as 1200 B.C. While the Celts, Saxons, Angles, and Vikings raped, plundered, and cremated many of Europe’s inhabitants during different times in history, the Druids used them to violently impose their religion of witchcraft upon their subjects. Druidic priesthoods then secured their version of the satanic worship of ancient Babylon over them by wrangling themselves into positions of theocratic or ‘divine’ lordship, (which is the Christian doctrine of Theosis,) over the Saxons, (West Germanic people,) Angles, (England,) and Vikings, (North and northwestern Europe.) This imperialist alliance was not a peaceful democracy. The most intelligent, strongest, and fiercest Celt, Saxon, Angle, or Viking made himself king, and ruled the other kings with fear and dread through indescribable brutality. In this way, the Druidic Religion and ‘State’ became one in Europe as everywhere else in the world. (This is also witnessed in Christianity as the union between pope and king; pastor and president, etcetera.) Based on human and animal sacrifice, pantheism, (the worship of nature,) and polytheism, (the worship of many gods,) the Druids advised and guided kings and warlords while acting as ‘healers’ and diviners. Their witchcraft practices included the “walling up” of women and the burying alive of human and animal sacrifices in the foundations of houses, medieval castles, Christian churches, etcetera. The Greeks and Romans, infiltrated by the Celts, also adopted the Druidic beliefs, rites, and rituals, which they combined with Greek and Roman mythology. This was the Jewish/Roman, religious/political background of Jesus’ life on earth. After Jesus ascended into heaven, He established His true body of believers, His Scriptural saints, through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, as described in Acts chapter 2. His first disciples were known as ‘the ecclesia,’ ‘the assemblies of Christ,’ or ‘Followers of The Way’ – named after Jesus, Who called Himself “the Truth, the Way, and the Life,” (Acts 9:2; 24:14, 22; 2:47, 5:11, 8:1.) It was in Antioch where Jesus’ Followers of The Way were first Christianized as church members, and accommodated in comfortable church religion, (Acts 11:19-26.) Before joining Druidic Christianity, they suffered immensely for Jesus’ truth, as described in Hebrews 11 and throughout the New Testament. In our day, the above mentioned rituals are called “Wicca” in witchcraft, and the pantheist practices of Druidism also became, (among other things,) the witchcraft of masonic orders and New Ageism. In addition, The Druids’ sexual unions with demons emerged as “sacred brothels” in Christian prostitution. In the masonic, New Age hippie cults of the 1960’s and 70’s, a massive escalation of pantheism, drug abuse, and sexual promiscuity were witnessed worldwide in the “revival” of Druidism. So, Druidism or “Druidry” still thrives as modern witchcraft. Druidry witches function mostly normally among us, but we can be certain that behind the scenes they hold to most, if not all the terrors of the ancient Druids, while they, as other witches, often pretend to be “angels of light,” (2 Cor. 11:13-14.) How Catholics Christianized much of the pagan world Despite all God’s Scriptural warnings against idolatry and witchcraft, church leaders continued to fill their noxious cups with uncontextual verses from the Bible, blended with pagan rites, norms, forms, initiations, and Greek and Roman mythology. When Caesar Constantine converted to Christianity in the 4th century A.D., adopting the Christian faith as the state religion of the Roman Empire, he gave the Vatican his military help and ‘divine’ imperial blessing to convert ‘the whole world’ to Christianity. Through the centuries, the Vatican executed this mission with the use of political power through unimaginable violence and oppression, just as their ancestors the barbaric Druids did. And by Christianizing more and more pagan doctrines, traditions, and feasts, they gained favor with the pagans, (who were all familiar with those unbiblical practices,) to convert them to Christianity. So, Christianity is actually paganism dotted with Bible verses. As a result, Christian converts, (who were not Scripturally born again believers but heathens who simply joined Christianity,) expected Christian clergies to do the same type of magic they were accustomed to in paganism. Because Satan mostly uses the familiar to bring people in bondage, the papacy structured their priesthoods and rituals to mimic the hierarchy of pagan temple-worship. They brought in so-called ‘sacred relics’ to replace the magic and lucky charms of the pagans. They also adopted pagan and ousted Old Testament feasts, ‘sacred’ days, ritual initiations called ‘saving sacraments,’ and dogmas; Christianizing them by naming them after ‘Christ,’ (Christmas, Christening...) and after their dead “saints” or spiritual ancestors, (‘Saint’ Valentine Day, Easter…) Hence, the Catholic Church firmly established active witchcraft as well-known, worldwide Christian belief, tradition, doctrine, culture, and church norms and forms. Reincarnation, Polytheism, and the Druids: the active witchcraft of ancestral worship in Christianity The Druidic priesthood taught the old Babylonian concept of reincarnation, which means that after physical death, the soul repeatedly returns to Mother Earth until its good works outweigh its bad works and it is good enough to remain in ‘soul rest.’ Those ‘perfected souls’ were then good enough to ‘intercede’ for humanity as gods. E.g., the ‘mother goddess’ queen of Old Babylon, Semiramus, theoretically gave birth to her dead, ‘reincarnated’ husband Nimrod in the human form of Tammuz, her son, (Genesis 10:8-12; 11:1-8.) The Vatican also accommodated the reincarnation and ancestor worship of their pagan converts by ‘canonizing’ dead Roman Catholic ‘saints’ as ‘mediating ancestors’ or gods, (Deut. 18:10-14.) As the Druids were also into reincarnation and polytheism, Christianity worships many gods or ‘mediators,’ such as the dead ‘queen of heaven, the mother of god’ Mother Mary; ‘Mother’ Theresa, etcetera, who “transcended to the highest spiritual plane through their ‘good’ works,” which became “Christian heaven” and “soul rest.” But Ecclesiastes 9:5-6 declares that “the dead knows nothing… Nevermore will they have a share done in anything done under the sun…” The deceased are dead. Full stop. “It is determined for man once to die and after that the judgment,” (Heb. 9:27.) Only God Jesus Christ knows everything as He “has no [physical] father, mother, genealogy, nor beginning of days, nor end of life…” (Heb. 7:3.) Juno the Dove became ‘Mother’ Mary, the Holy Spirit of Roman Catholicism Alexander Hislop explained the Mother Mary mediator-god custom as follows in his book, Two Babylons, “As time wore away, and the facts of the Semiramus history [of Babylon] became obscured, her son's birth was declared miraculous: and therefore, she was called "ALMA MATER," [a ‘spirit’ that guides universities and colleges,] or the “WISE Virgin Mother.” Old Semiramus, ‘Queen of Heaven,’ ‘Mother of god,’ ‘god’s wife,’ who was worshiped by the ancient Egyptians as Isis with the savior or christ-child Osiris, (a.k.a. Tammuz or Horus) on her lap, was reincarnated, canonized, and Christianized by the Roman Catholic Church as Mary, the co-creatrix, co-redemptrix ‘Virgin Mother,’ with the [reincarnated ‘christ’ Osiris, Horus, Tammuz,] or Little Baby Jesus, [who, as a human, simply ‘carried the christ consciousness,’] on her lap.” Most Christians do not know this, but the trinity of the Roman Catholic Church is not The Scriptural Godhead of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Roman Catholic trinity consists of that ‘happy cosmic family:’ ‘father’ god, his baby or dead son Jesus, (who still suffers, nailed to the Catholic cross,) and Mother Mary, god’s ‘wife,’ the ‘Virgin Queen of Heaven’ – a.k.a., Old Semiramus of ancient Babylon! As part of the trinity family, Mother Mary is the ‘holy spirit,’ or the Roman fertility goddess Juno the Dove. Hislop continued, “The Dove and the Deified Queen of Heaven: Now in her, [Semiramus of Babylon,] as the Tabernacle or Temple of God, not only all power, but all grace and goodness were believed to dwell…. To express the celestial benignity of her nature, she was called "The Dove…” [As a sign if ‘divine’ incest; relating to Semiramus of Babylon and her reincarnated husband/son,] the dove symbolizes this deified queen; presented with an olive branch in her mouth, as she herself in her human form also is seen bearing the olive branch in her hand… ‘A branch,’ was the symbol of the deified son, [the reincarnated ‘christs’ Tammuz, Osiris, Horus… Jesus!] When the deified mother was represented as a Dove… that identified her with the Holy Spirit that “brooded, dove-like, over the deep at the creation;” (Genesis 1:1-2,) for in the sculptures at Nineveh the wings and tail of the dove represented the third member of the Assyrian trinity. In confirmation, it must be stated that the Assyrian "Juno," or "The Virgin Venus," as she was called, was identified with the air. Julius Firmicus says: "The Assyrians and part of the Africans wish the air to have the supremacy of the elements, for they have consecrated this [air] under the name of Juno, or the Virgin Venus." Why was air thus identified with Juno, whose symbol was that of the third person of the Assyrian trinity? Because in Chaldee the same word which signifies the air signifies also the "Holy Ghost." This entirely explains the statement of Proclus that "Juno [Mother Mary,] imports the generation of soul" - the spirit of man, (1 Ths. 5:23,)
[Acknowledgement to the person who did this image]
The pagan Catholic/Protestant “love feast” of Saint Valentine’s Day points directly to the incest of the supreme fertility goddess Semiramus, (Mother Mary in Christianity,) who gave birth to her son Tammuz after her husband Nimrod died. And so, her dead husband became her son — and this filthy incest became one of the greatest “love stories” in history, (Genesis 11.) As seen in Hislop’s explanation above, the dove (Semiramus) with the ‘olive branch’ (Tammuz) in her mouth symbolizes ‘divine’ incest – the same old vile concept which was, and still is celebrated globally in various ways as the fertility feast, or immoral sex feast, euphemized as a ‘love feast,’ called “Saint Valentine’s Day.” Christianized, this pagan feast means, the ‘deified mother of god,’ Mother Mary, is still committing incest with her son!!!! WHAT BLASPHEMY AGAINST THE HOLY GOD OF THE BIBLE! Please tell me, dear reader, how can anyone be saved while they pledge allegiance to the pagan/Christian church system, which was merely ‘reformed’ into Protestantism in the 1500’s and who still follows Christianity’s dogmas, church forms, unscriptural priesthoods, and pagan feasts? That is why God commanded in Revelation 17 & 18:4, “Come out of her MY PEOPLE, lest you share in her sins and receive of her plagues.”
The ancient Greeks celebrated Semiramus’ incest as a fertility feast in mid-February, which they attached to the wicked incestal ‘marriage’ of the god and goddess Zeus and his sister/wife Hera. On February 14, ancient Romans celebrated a foretaste of Semiramus’ incest in honor of the goddess Juno, (a.k.a. Old Semiramus of Babylon,) the “Queen of Roman gods and goddesses, and goddess of women and marriage.” The next day began the fertility feast Lupercalia in honor of bestiality - the so-called ‘marriage’ and abominable family structure of the human god Lupercus (or the Greek creator god Pan) and the wolf Lupa, who ‘nursed’ the human boys Romulus and Remus, the alleged ‘founders’ of Rome. During the Roman fertility feast of Lupercus, naked men and women held massive street parties on loads of liquor and other ‘aphrodisiacs.’ In the meantime, their priests sacrificed animals for fertility blessings in the temples; cutting the hides into strips to dip into the blood of the animals. After the temple rituals were done, the Roman priests came to hit the partying pagans with the bloody goat’s hide to ‘make them fertile’ for the coming year. The blood-smeared, bombed-out-of-their-minds couples then engaged in boundless fornication for the duration of the festival, and some stayed together until the next year. Thus, the ‘divine’ incest feast of Lupercus eventually became known as the festival of Juno Februata, symbolized by the incest committing Dove, holding the husband/son Branch in her mouth, and by the ‘Two Love Birds on a branch’ - [Alban Butler, ‘Butler’s Lives of Saints.’] ¨ In 496 AD, Roman Catholic Pope Gelasius 1 Christianized the immoral sex feast of Lupercalia, based on ‘divine’ incest. In honor of ‘saint’ Valentine, the so-called ‘patron saint of lovers,’ pope Gelasius 1 named the whoring feast of Lupercalia “St. Valentine’s Day.” They began to celebrate this Christian “love feast” on February 14, the same day as the Roman feast that honored Juno the Dove’s incest with her son. In 1382, Geoffrey Chaucer wrote in ‘Parlement of Foules,’ “For this was Saint Valentine’s Day, when every bird cometh there to choose its mate.” Saint Valentine’s Day celebrates the incest of the fertility goddess Semiramus; the incest of Zeus and his sister Hera, and the bestiality of the god Lupercus and the wolf Lupa, and their abominable wolf-suckled family. That millions of people, Christians especially, relate this dirty Roman Catholic ‘love feast’ to the pure love between a man and a woman; even to marital love – and most horrendously, to ‘the love of Christ for His bride,’ is witchcraft from hell, and an indescribable abominable act against the most Holy God of the Bible. The Aphrodisiac Myth In witchcraft and other occult practices, it is believed that one can take in; ‘drink,’ or ‘eat’ the soul, and/or the potency, or power of that which is consumed. Thus, the absurd belief in aphrodisiacs, or sex ‘enhancing’ foods and potions derived from plant, animal, and human matter, is associated with the ‘magical powers’ and witchcraft of the fertility goddess Aphrodite. Such stupidities, steeped in Satanism, are assisting in the annihilation of all wildlife and plant life on this planet! Due to human encroachment, habitat loss, unchecked poaching, the illicit and most cruel pet trade, and the gathering of so-called ‘aphrodisiacs’ such as rhino horn, nearly all remaining species of wildlife on earth have declined by as much as 90% during the last 10 years! All wildlife now, in 2018, faces complete annihilation! Slash-and-burn farming in the rainforests in places like Brazil and the Congo destroys all habitation at a rate of 5 acres every 3 seconds! Also, most animals only remove some of the outer layer of bark from trees. Hence, most animals do not harm trees. However, removing all the layers of bark from trees to use in occult ‘medicine’ and other witchdoctor brews, decimates entire forests of indigenous vegetation and of course animal life too; killing our planet’s fauna and flora at an astounding rate! Once a tree is stripped of its bark it slowly starves to death, as the underlying layers of bark protect the tree and carry water and nutrients from the roots to the branches and leaves. The practice of consuming ‘soul and sex enhancing,’ ‘magic’ plants and animal matter to ‘enhance’ sexual activity is also witnessed in the act of cannibalism, (practiced by witchdoctors of all kinds,) where the ‘patient’ eats the heart of an enemy to gain courage; the genitalia to gain virility, the brain to gain intelligence and knowledge, etcetera. Therefore, in the use of so-called aphrodisiacs such as rhino horn, superstitious Orientals especially, illogically believe that the upward shape of the horn can enhance and prolong sexual activity. In reality, however, a rhino’s horn, which the God of the Bible had created as a mere defensive and working tool for the animal, simply consists of a hair-like substance made of skin cells and connective tissue – which contain absolutely no nutrient, medicinal, or ‘supernatural’ value whatsoever! Pagan and Christian veneration and worship of ‘relics’ or ‘lucky charms’ ‘Good luck’ always centers on the goddess of chance, who is none other than ‘Luck,’ ‘Lux,’ or Lucifer himself. In contrast, Biblical blessing centers on the completed work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross, and on His reversal of the entire cursed state of the Old Testament Law into the inherited, blessed state of all born again believers in Christ, (Deut. 28; Gal. 3:10-14.) To place one’s trust and reverence superstitiously or religiously in ‘sacred’ objects – or in fact, in pagan gods and their rituals, rather than in the unseen God of the Bible and the truth of His Word, is unashamed witchcraft. ‘Lucky charms’ and other relics originated from Lucifer the devil; just as all other forms of ‘luck’ and superstition. Hence, luck, superstition, and talismans can only bring the manifestation of God’s entire curse upon idolaters, (Deut. 28:15-68.) So-called ‘sacred’ relics, (icons or religious objects such as Buddha and Mary statues, talismans, amulets, totems, etcetera,) are objects that belonged to, was touched, or supposedly ‘blessed’ by so-called ‘holy people,’ priests, and shamans. Such charms are worn, kept, displayed, and used in pagan and Christian worship, rituals, and sacrifice as ‘magic’ objects that ‘emit’ protection, ‘blessing,’ and so forth. Of course, the true Jesus of the Bible is nowhere to be found here. Nevertheless, the veneration or worship of so-called ‘holy’ relics from Israel and other places, (the origin of which had been refuted by Biblical truth, science, and historical fact,) still form a huge part of Christianity. Just as in other forms of paganism, Catholics and Protestants also use talismans or lucky charms, which, as gods, ‘contain and emit’ ‘blessing, healing and protection.’ Among these, Catholics actually worship the so-called ‘blood and burial cloth of Christ;’ ‘pieces of the cross,’ (which Helena, Caesar Constantine’s mother, supposedly ‘rescued’ from the holy land during the Dark Ages;) the hair, blood, and teeth of the many dead Catholic ‘saints,’ and so forth. However, all Christians must know that these things ‘emit’ or ‘radiate’ demonic power, not the ‘anointing’ of the Holy Spirit of the Bible. True Blessing, Protection, and Healing are Gifts from God The God of the Bible has nothing to do with luck; He is God of all light, life, protection, and blessing, and He Alone holds everyone’s life and “times in His hand,” (Deut. 28:1-14.) Only the God of the Bible is in full control of our destiny without ever resorting to, or relying on any physical object to ‘aid’ or ‘radiate’ His presence, protection, healing, or blessing. The three New Covenant symbols, (the Lord’s Supper, the water baptism of sincere disciples, and the anointing with oil,) has nothing to do with pagan practices, or church ‘sacraments;’ either Roman Catholic or Protestant. None of these three New Testament ‘signs’ even vaguely refers to the use of magic potions and talismans. None of these three symbols, by itself, contains any supernatural power, or brings or emits any kind of salvation, healing, blessing, deliverance, or protection. For instance, the Lord’s Supper and Biblical baptism is witchcraft without personal faith in and obedience to Jesus, and the anointing of oil without sincere prayer and faith in the healing power of Christ, is a useless pagan ritual. Pagan and Christian Rosaries or Prayer Beads Through the ages, pagans have believed that a ‘blessed’ string of beads, animal skin, seeds, knotted wool, pieces of bone, pearls, etcetera, (actually a talisman or lucky charm,) is ‘full of positive energy or so-called “good spirit” that brings life, blesses, and protects!’ A common pagan talisman is the rosary or prayer beads, which Catholics use in their praise and prayers to Mary while counting their series and sequences of prayers. (For every ten ‘Hail Mary’s,’ they say one ‘Glory be to the Father!’) Muslims and other pagans such as Hindus and Buddhists also thread stringed beads, called tesbih or misbaha, through their fingers while repeating their mantras or learned prayers, counting the series of prayers that make up their religious requirements. However, Jesus commanded, “When you pray, do not use vain repetitions as the pagans do. For they think that they will be heard for their many words. Therefore, do not be like them…” (Mt. 6:7-15.) Pagan and Christian statues, and “carrying the god” Christians, (as most pagans,) also pray, worship, and bow to statues of ‘Mother’ Mary and other ‘saints,’ the Roman Catholic dead ‘Jesus’ etcetera. They also touch, display, and worship these statues, pictures, and talismans in their homes and churches, and carry them in religious processions and ceremonies, trusting that the icon will do some kind of ‘miracle’ for them, or ‘prove’ the ‘power’ of the Christian church and her leaders by some ‘miraculous sign.’ The practice of “carrying the god” and other icons in pagan processions is an age-old part of pagan witchcraft, which was also Christianized by the Catholic Church. Therefore, Catholics also carry the pope in religious parades; venerating him as ‘god on earth’ and ‘holy father;’ paying the same reverence to him as to the God of the Bible. God tolerated no such confusion between Him and idolatry in Exodus 20:1-6. He commanded, “You will have no other gods before Me. You will not make a carved image – any likeness of anything in heaven, on earth, in the water, or under the earth [to revere, praise, worship, trust, consult, etcetera.] You will not bow down to them nor serve them...” [Find proof of this Christian idolatry in the study, ‘The Ecclesia (the true body of Christ) Converted to Christianity.’] |