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CONTINUATION — Witchcraft… ON THIS PAGE: · THE CHRISTIAN ‘SACRAMENT’ OR CHURCH RITE OF ‘HOLY COMMUNION’ · THE BIBLICAL LORD’S SUPPER · Christian Transubstantiation — ‘Sacrificing’ and Eating Jesus, the ‘Perpetual Victim’ · Consubstantiation — eating the pagan god Martin Luther’s way · John Calvin, the pope of Geneva, on Christianized ‘holy communion’ · How they ‘eat the god’ in paganism · SACRAMENT OF PENANCE, LAST RITES, OR CATHOLIC and PROTESTANT CHURCH BURIAL AS A LAST RITE
THE CHRISTIAN ‘SACRAMENT’ OR CHURCH RITE OF ‘HOLY COMMUNION’The Biblical Lord’s SupperThe Real Word of God teaches in context that humanity can only be redeemed, saved, and healed through personal faith in the Personhood and completed atonement of Jesus Christ, (Jn. 3:16; 1:12-13.) As a result, the Lord’s Supper does not consist of eating Jesus’ body and blood literally as a ‘saving’ church sacrament, as if the bread and wine of that ceremony can ‘become gods’ or have ‘special power’ by themselves to allegedly “do what Jesus could not do!” In the context of Scripture, true believers can only access three physical ‘signs’ or symbols that point toward the actual redemptive, saving, healing power of God. These are the water baptism of true believer-disciples in Christ, (Matthew 28:18-20;) prayerfully anointing the sick with ordinary oil with their confession of personal sin against each other to each other, (James 5:15-18,) and the bread and wine at the Lord’s Table in “remembrance” of Jesus, Who established the New Covenant for all sincere believers on Golgotha through His shed blood and broken body, (1 Cor. 11:17-22.) ¨ “The bread and wine is My body and blood” phrase that Paul quotes in 1 Corinthians 11:17-22, cannot be taken literally! Jesus taught allegorically in John 6:47-57, “...He who believes [sincerely and steadfastly] in Me has, [present tense,] everlasting life. I Am the Bread of Life... Whoever eats My flesh and drinks My blood… I will raise up in the Last Day. For My flesh is [spiritual] food indeed and My blood is [spiritual] drink indeed…” Jesus was declaring that He Himself Is Spiritual Life in the here and now and forever more. He actually explained, ‘I Myself Am the most vital life-giving nourishment for humanity that exists. And My blood and flesh that I will give at the cross will form My complete atonement in your place, which buys your redemption, salvation, and blessing,’ (Isa. 53:3-5.) ¨ Just as the water baptism of disciples and the anointing of oil, neither the ‘water’ nor the baptism itself, the oil itself, or participation in the physical bread and wine itself, can ‘redeem,’ save, bless, or heal anyone. These substances are inventions of God, and although they can allegedly be ‘turned into magic potions’ in the occult and in church ritual, Only God Himself has power over His creation. Romans 14:23 states, “Everything that is not from faith [in Jesus Christ Personally,] is sin.” The substances and elements that God created cannot ‘stand in,’ represent Him, become God, or act on His behalf. In Scriptural use, the water, oil, and bread and wine are mere symbols of what Jesus demonstrated and commanded in Scripture, (Mt. 28:18-20.) So, making the Lord’s Supper into an exorcism, healing ceremony, or relying on these substances to work supernatural in any way, connect people directly to witchcraft – especially when it is done in the Name of Jesus. Romans 14:17-18, “For the Kingdom of God [that is “within” all true believers through the indwelling Holy Spirit,] is not eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit, (Luke 21:17 KJV.) He who serves Jesus Christ in these [inward] things is acceptable to God and approved by men.” That is why the observance of outward rituals, rites, or religious pagan and church ceremonies are powerless to save, heal, make holy, and preserve souls for the real Kingdom of God. As said, even God’s genuine symbols, (the Scriptural baptism of sincere believers, the Lord’s Supper, and the anointing of oil,) cannot save, redeem, or heal anyone, (Jam. 5:15.) These are mere symbols of our sincere, inward faith in Christ Jesus and our acceptance of His completed atonement in our place. ¨ Still, prayerfully participating and sharing the ordinary bread and wine at the Lord’s Supper have compelling spiritual power, as the bread signifies “Jesus’ body which was broken for us,” while the wine symbolizes “the New Covenant in His blood,” (1 Cor. 11:24-25.) Sincere believers eat the bread and drink the wine of the Biblical Lord’s Supper in remembrance of what Jesus had already fully achieved in their place; and in this lays the power, (1 Cor. 11:24-25.) ¨ By participating in the Lord Supper, sincere believers also “proclaim the Lords death until He comes,” (v. 26.) This means, sincere believers non-religiously and non-ritually, outwardly reaffirm their inward faith in, and their commitment to Jesus as the One and Only True Christ or Savior, Who suffered and died, was resurrected from the dead in their place, literally ascended into heaven, and will visibly return on the clouds on the Day of Judgment. ¨ Thus, when Jesus stated that His flesh is real food and His blood is real drink, He was not calling His disciples to cannibalism and vampirism! He was speaking metaphorically. As such, unbelievers, mere religionists, and willfully unrepentant believers dare not eat God’s “judgment” over themselves by eating and drinking in an “unworthy manner” at the Lord’s Table (1 Cor. 11:29-32.) Sincere believers only, are welcome at the Lord’s Table. Transubstantiation – the ‘saving’ sacrament of ‘sacrificing’ and ‘eating Jesus,’ the ‘Perpetual Victim’Transubstantiation, the ‘Eucharistic rite,’ ‘mass,’ or ‘holy communion’ is one of Christianity’s most important ‘atoning’ sacramental or ‘saving’ rituals, which intends to ‘complete’ the ‘incomplete’ sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible. What satanic arrogance! Wikipedia describes the Catholic mass or ‘holy communion’ as follows, “The bread and wine… used in the Eucharistic rite, [another Catholic rite of initiation into Christianity,] are [magically] transformed by the priest in all but appearance into the [literal] body and blood of [their] christ; a change that is called ‘transubstantiation.’ In transubstantiation or during ‘mass,’ the priest makes Catholics believe they are… eating the real human flesh, [cannibalizing,] and drinking the real blood, [vampirizing,] of [their] christ.” ¨ The Catholic Catechism explains, “The victim and christ, [their round wafer, that little piece of ‘bread’ that the priest supposedly “transforms” during a bizarre act of pure witchcraft into the literal ‘body or flesh of their christ,’] also called the Eucharist or ‘the Host,’ is one and the same. The same [wafer-christ] now offers ‘himself’ through the ministry of priests, who then offered himself on the cross; only the manner of offering is different. Since in this divine sacrifice, which is celebrated in the mass, the same christ who offered himself once in a bloody manner on the altar of the cross is contained and is offered in an unbloody manner... This sacrifice is truly propitiatory” – or truly ‘atoning.’ Something, the “contained” Lord Jesus of the Bible allegedly could not achieve! The brazen witchcraft of these Christian teachers, whom Catholics call their “deified holy fathers” or ‘godfathers,’ (and whom Protestants call their “church fathers,”) hardly ever reveals itself as unashamedly as through the doctrine of transubstantiation, which they actually have the nerve to put into practice during their ‘holy mass.’ The so-called magic, which these magicians allegedly perform with that round little wafer, turns it into the “almighty god, christ Jesus!” Can humans with brains really believe such satanic rubbish? That little wafer-god then allegedly “contains” all of the “true Jesus’ attributes.” When the priest sacrifices that little wafer-god, (which, if it were possible, would make him a physical murderer,) “the wafer [allegedly] accomplishes what the [True, Almighty Christ Jesus of the Scriptures] could not achieve. This wafer-god achieves true propitiation: it completes atonement for all Christian sin” – until the next mass, that is, when their “victim” has to be sacrificed all over again! ¨ If only people would read the Bible for themselves! Colossians 2:9-15 undeniably declares, “In Jesus dwells [present tense,] all the fullness of the Godhead, [Father, Son, Holy Spirit,] bodily... Who is the Head of all principality and power… Having disarmed [them all] at the cross, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it!” There is not a single demon, Satan himself, or unrepentant human being that are not under the feet of Jesus! ¨ Nevertheless, the false Jesus, (depicted as dead and still hanging on their cross,) will remain their “eternal, perpetual victim,” whom they sacrifice over and over again during their satanic mass. What’s more, because the mass is supposedly the actual “bloodless human sacrifice of the physical body of christ,” the Eucharist, (‘Host,’ victim, or wafer-christ) needs to be worshiped before it is consumed. Hence, they bow to that little wafer and worship it as their ‘christ!’ They then cannibalize the wafer, the ‘real body of their christ,’ and vampirize ‘his real blood.’ In the occult, transubstantiation is known as ‘eating the god.’ The Christian church and her affiliates such as the Russian/Greek/Eastern Orthodox Churches, and ‘high church’ of devout Anglo-Catholic Anglicans, all practice transubstantiation. As the Roman Catholic Church, these daughters of Catholicism also call their mass ‘the sacrifice of the unbloody victim.’ ¨ One thing is certain – that dead victim on the Catholic cross who suffers continually, can never be the Real Jesus Christ of the Bible. That impostor’s so-called ‘atonement’ is never done. Scripturally, that helpless ‘christ’ with his eternally incomplete sacrifice can never save a single member of his Christian church! ¨ The True Conqueror of the Bible, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God, was no victim. The risen Jesus Christ Himself declared in John 10:17-18, “…I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes my life from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down and I have power to take it up again…” The Real Jesus Christ “finished” His work on the cross! – (Jn. 19:27-30.) His atonement in the place of everyone, who truly believes in Him and accepts His perfect sacrifice personally and sincerely, is forever complete, (Jn. 1:12-13; Eph. 1:7.) Consubstantiation - ‘eating the pagan god’ Martin Luther’s Way‘High Church Anglicans’ practice Catholic transubstantiation while ‘Low Church Anglicans’ adhere to the doctrine of consubstantiation. Consubstantiation is Martin Luther’s doctrine of “sacramental [or saving] union:” gradual, systematic salvation through ritual initiations or church passages, just as in “eating the god” in Catholic ‘holy communion.’ Actually, consubstantiation or ‘sacramental union’ is just Catholic transubstantiation with a little twist in the tail. Consubstantiation teaches that during the sacrament of the Eucharist, the bread remains bread and doesn’t literally and magically change into the body of their christ – but it still contains the real presence of their christ’s body and blood. ¨ Wikipedia, “In the sacramental union the consecrated bread of the Eucharist is united with the body of christ and the consecrated wine of the Eucharist is united with the blood of christ. This results in anyone eating and drinking these "elements" — the consecrated bread and wine — really eats and drinks the physical body and blood of [their] christ as well… This is an attempt to describe the body and blood of christ in metaphysical terms.” Thus, Lutherans and ‘low church’ Anglicans are all eating the so-called “physical body and blood of their christ,” which now supposedly “merges completely with the physical bread.” All those who cleave to consubstantiation or sacramental union, are also ‘eating the god’ just like Catholics do. ¨ Frighteningly, in the literal eating of their pagan christ’s body and blood, Catholics, Anglicans, and Lutherans believe that even unbelievers that consume the Eucharist are really “absorbing” the literal body and blood of their christ, and thus, even unbelievers can be saved by this ‘sacrament!’ That is, ‘saved’ from their former religions to become Christians such as Catholics, Anglicans, Lutherans, and the like. [Wikipedia - Martin Luther, (1528;) Confession Concerning Christ’s Supper; the Wittenberg Concord of 1536, the Formula of Concord.] John Calvin, the Pope of Geneva, on Christianized ‘Holy Communion’In true Christian style, John Calvin earned himself the title Pope of Geneva though his blind acceptance of the most important Christian doctrines of Roman Catholicism. He violently ruled his Protestant world by his grave religious intolerance toward all those who dared to resist his ‘irresistible grace;’ his enforcement of the Christianized ‘sacramental/saving’ baby sprinkling, the Christianized trinity, etcetera, by cremation, torture, and drowning, and established Christianity's false hierarchical priesthood, (1 Pt. 2:9-10,) and their literal church norms and forms to “contain” it all. Just like Luther and the other Reformers, Calvin also stole the rite of ‘holy communion’ or ‘eating the pagan god’ as another of his ‘atoning’ sacraments. Calvin declared that, although the bread and wine of the Eucharist, [the waver-god,] is not the literal body and blood of Christ, the rite of ‘holy communion’ is indeed a sacrament, which “has the power to ‘atone for sin’ and ‘save the chosen elite’” of Calvinism! ‘Eating the god’ in PaganismIn Central America and in Mexico too, pagan priests made bread in the form of the Mexican ‘high’ god, Huitzilopochtli, which they then ‘magically turned’ into the literal flesh of their god to eat sacramentally. Eucharist sacraments were also common in ancient Egypt. Just as in the Christian mass, Egyptian priests supposedly ‘changed’ their cakes into the ‘real flesh’ of the sun god Osiris – and often, into the ‘literal flesh’ of Osiris’ ‘reincarnated’ son Horus, the “Egyptian lord of the afterlife.” During those rituals, the priests then broke those cakes into pieces to eat as the ‘literal’ flesh of their gods; thus literally ‘taking in’ the deity of their god; also becoming ‘one’ with their god by ‘changing’ into ever-living gods themselves. [Prescott’s Mexico, Vol. 3; Sir James George Frazer, ‘The Golden Bough.’] Yet, some Christians try to justify the pagan roots of ‘sacramental’ or ‘atoning’ ‘holy communion’ by alleging that the Lord Jesus ‘mimicked’ the pagan practice of ‘eating the god’ when He stated, “Unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you…” (Jn. 6:48-54.) It is clear, however, that Jesus was speaking allegorically, not literally, of believing in Him and accepting Him as the prophesied Christ of the Old Testament, (Jn. 1:1-14.) ¨ As all the other twisted doctrines of paganism, the heathen practice of literally ‘eating the god’ can be traced back to the fall of humanity in Eden. Through disobedience to God, Adam and Eve spiritually ‘took in’ the sin nature of Satan by eating the forbidden fruit; causing all of humanity to be born into Satan’s position of sin without God, filled with his sin-nature, (Rom. 5:12.) Since then, Satan made certain that to literally ‘eat and drink the god,’ must remain a religious practice to unify people with himself in the form of a counterfeit christ, (2 Cor. 11:4, 14.) That day of the fall Satan heard how the merciful God promised to send the Savior Who “will bruise the snake’s head,” while the snake “shall bruise His heel” [on Golgotha.] Satan, whom God still allowed to ‘stand before Him like one of His own’ during Old Testament times, certainly knew things we humans cannot begin to comprehend. However, Jesus “cast out the ruler of this world” when He destroyed the devil’s power over believing humanity at the cross, (Jn. 12:31; Col. 2:9-15.) Although Satan is not all knowing and omnipresent like God is, he was/is still aware of many future events. Hence, Satan presents an ‘atoning savior,’ which he designed with some ‘similarities’ to Bible events, to spiritually murder seeking souls with religious lies even before they can reach Jesus, the Only Truth, Way, and Life. THE SACRAMENT OF PENANCE, ANOINTING THE SICK, LAST RITES, AND CHURCH BURIAL Penance, (confession to a clergyman,) is the first of two Christian sacraments of ‘healing.’ Wikipedia wrote, “Penance is the sacrament [or ritual of ‘atonement’ to ‘compensate’ for Jesus’ so-called ‘incomplete’ or ‘limited’ atonement.] It is used in healing for a ‘baptized’ person, [who has been sprinkled in either Catholicism or Protestantism,] for the distancing from God, [or actually, from the church,] resulting from sins committed. [What happened to confessing our personal sins to God, (and our abusive sins to our victims,) and simply asking His (and their) forgiveness, and God’s cleansing by the blood of Jesus? (1 Jn. 1:8-9; 2:1-6; Jam. 5:15-18.)] If they sin after baptism, they cannot have ‘baptism as a remedy.’ [Sprinkle and other] baptism, which is [in itself a so-called ‘saving’ church sacrament,] is ‘spiritual regeneration,’ and cannot be given a second time…. While it may be spiritually helpful to ‘confess to another person,’ only a priest has the power to administer the ‘sacrament’ of Penance and Absolution.” This means, ‘penance’ or confession of sin to a priest or other clergyman is yoked to ‘absolution’ or “forgiveness imparted by an ordained priest, as only an ordained clergyman has the ‘power to forgive sins.’” These falsehoods are also practiced in Irvinging churches such as the Catholic Apostolic, Old and New Apostolic, and other Apostolic based churches. ¨ Heaps of idolatry were piled up on top of witchcraft and blasphemy to govern the churches! As proved over and over again, baptisms of all sorts are completely impotent in forgiving, saving, or renewing anyone. Moreover, in utter contrast to church ‘penance and absolution,’ our personal sins against God, (and all sins are against God,) can only be forgiven by God Himself. In Mark 2:5-7, Jesus, living under the Old Covenant before the cross, proved that He Himself Is God by forgiving sin and thus manifesting His healing! Forgiveness and healing are closely linked in Scripture, (Jam. 5:15-18.) Those “absolution priests” are bogus witches. The crucified, risen, ascended Jesus is now, during the New Testament, our Only Intercessor and High Priest or Mediator between us and our Father in heaven, (1 Tim. 2:5!) ¨ Besides our personal confession of our sin against God, God views sin against one another so seriously, He commanded in Matthew 5:23-24, “If you bring your [confession of sin, praise, prayers…] to the altar, and there remember that [someone] has something against you, leave your gift there and first be reconciled to [your victim as far as it depends on you,] and then come and offer your gift,” (Rom. 12:18; Mt. 5:23-24.) That is why James 5:16-18 commands believers to confess their sins, (which were committed on a personal level between people to those whom you wronged, and not to just any other person or a so-called priest,) then forgive one another and pray for one another that you may be healed, (Jam. 5:16.) Sin against God such as idolatry must be confessed to God Himself. Sin such as adultery, theft, violence, slander, etcetera, must be willingly and sincerely confessed by perpetrators to their victims. ¨ However, God forgives Jesus’ believers only on their sincere conviction of sin, (John 16:8-11;) our full and sincere confession of sin; our forgiveness of others after we have, as far as possible, sought peace and reconciliation with unrepentant people, (Luke 17:1-3; Matthew 15:188-20;) our own confession of abusive sin against our victims to our victims, (James 5:15-18,) our repentance from abuse; and our restitution for serious sins against our victims, (Lev. 6:1-5.) Restitution means, we must tell the truth where we lied, make the truth public where we slandered people knowingly and unrepentantly, be faithful where we committed treason, etcetera.)
“The priest’s anointing of the sick is the second ‘sacrament of healing.’ [Scripturally, anointing with oil is the symbol of the Holy Spirit in healing. God’s healing manifests on the personal faith of the sick person and the willingness to confess abuse to victims as seen above; coupled with forgiveness and prayer — Jam. 5:16.] However, “a priest anoints the sick with [magic] oil ‘blessed’ for healing … New or worsening illness enables them to receive the sacrament a further time.” In Calvinism, the anointing of oil as Scripture commands is rejected because the “practice failed to remain faithful to the words of James;” it does not ‘really accomplish healing.’ It is clear that Calvin never read the Bible, or experienced God’s almighty power for himself! In Lutheranism, “anointing of the sick has been retained in some churches since the Reformation. Although it is not considered a saving sacrament like baptism and the Eucharist, it is known as a church ritual in the same respect as confession, confirmation, holy orders, and holy matrimony,” [Wikipedia.]
Dealing with the Dying through Catholic/Protestant Last Rites and Church Burial In various ways in both Catholic and Protestant Christianity, “The Sacrament of Last Rites, [the first step of the final stage of initiation into Christianity on the person’s deathbed,] prepares the dying person's soul for death, by providing absolution for sins by penance, sacramental grace, and prayers for the relief of suffering through anointing. It is customary in Catholicism but not so much in Protestantism that the final administration [or last rite] of the Eucharist, [holy communion,] accompanies the ‘preparation of the dying church member.’ This is known as “Viaticum,” which is Latin for ‘provision for the journey.’” In Calvinism and other Protestantism, there is not much difference between their death-bed ‘ministries’ and “Viaticum.” They all see this ‘journey’ as the ‘journey into the afterlife,’ usually without specific reference to ‘heaven’ or ‘hell.’ Just as in raw paganism, those church ‘sacraments’ allegedly work out the person’s salvation, (Jn. 14:6.) However, Jesus Himself said, unless a believer is (personally and Scripturally) born again through sincere faith in Him and acceptance of Him, he cannot see or enter the Kingdom of God – or the Kingdom of heaven! (Jn. 3:3-5!) And “[only] those who follow Him [as disciples] will have the light of life!” (Jn. 8:12.)
Because Catholic doctrine was ingrained into all of Protestantism, Protestant burial services or ceremonies are also deemed as ‘absolutely necessary’ by most Christians; even by sincerely born again believes, because knowingly or unknowingly, the sacrament of church burial rites is viewed as the ‘final passage to the afterlife.’ This so-called ‘saving sacrament’ too, stealthily replaced the truth of God’s Word, which states that once a person physically dies, his or her life here on earth is over. Nothing can ‘save’ that person anymore. Not a single religious act can help that person ‘progress’ to the afterlife. The ever-living human spirit of the deceased is either in heaven at the throne of Jesus or in screaming agony in the fires of hell. Christians might not even have done church all that much during their lifetime. Nevertheless, they all see church burial as a necessary part of ‘Christian salvation,’ because not only must an ‘ordained’ or so-called ‘anointed’ clergyman pray for them on their death bed, they must also be buried by a clergyman out of a church, (so-called ‘consecrated ground,’) and be ‘laid to rest’ in ‘consecrated ground’ such as a cemetery, to reach ‘heaven!’ God said in Ecclesiastes 9:5-6, “…But the dead knows nothing… [of what is going on here on earth.] Nevermore will they have a share in anything done under the sun.” [See the relating article on cremation instead of burial.] In step with pagan sun worship that was Christianized by their mother, the Roman Church, most Protestant and other Christians also believe they must be buried facing the rising sun in the east. Non-church members and unbaptized babies must face west, because there is supposedly no hope for them in the day of resurrection. ¨ God does not require the witchcraft of deathbed rituals and burial rites of any kind to initiate the dying and the deceased into death and the grave to complete their steps of Christian initiation into the church, which supposedly leads them to heaven! God expects every person on earth to live a life of discipleship in Jesus Christ to glorify His Name, (Jn. 8:31-32.) According to Jesus’ teaching in Luke 16:19-31, at the moment when the human spirit leaves the physical body, that person goes directly to heaven or hell — depending on his or her own, personal choice to accept and follow Jesus, or to reject and disobey Him, (1 Ths. 5:23.)