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(Continued from Initiation is dedication to strange gods)


Salvation has nothing to do with Rites of Passage or Initiation into “mystery religions” such as Christianity 

All believers must first be personally and spiritually born again to ‘see,’ perceive, or understand, and enter into the spiritual Kingdom of God, (Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5.)  God’s Kingdom has only One truly Biblical ‘Door:’ the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, (Jn. 10:9-11.)  There does not exist any slow, systematic, ‘religious initiation path’ to get to Him other than to meet Him personally.  We can only attain salvation and redemption by sincere faith in, personal acceptance of, and a lasting personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, (Mt. 7:21-24.)  Consequently, sincerely born again believers never gamble with their salvation.  True believers know that they [already] have eternal life from the moment they sincerely and earnestly accepted the Lord Jesus as their personal God, Lord, Redeemer, and Savior, (1 Jn. 5:5:13 KJV.)  True believers know they “were born of God... [for] they believe that the Son of God has come and has given us an understanding, that we may know Him Who is true, and know that we are in Him Who is true....  This is the true God and eternal life,” (1 Jn. 5:19-20.)  After that, we must obey the Moral Law of Love to show the world that we have the Character of Christ, but this is not to ‘earn’ anything from Him.  True believers live to glorify God in everything they are, and do. 


So, Jesus does not save His born again children ‘gradually’ or step-by-step.  Either one belongs wholly to God through faith in His Son Jesus Christ, or one lives without God in the kingdom of darkness, controlled by Satan, (Gal. 4:6.)  Neither does God “fill” his children “gradually” with the Holy Spirit.  “...We who first trusted in Christ, after we heard the Gospel of truth, in Whom we have believed, were sealed with the Holy Spirit… Who is the guarantee of our inheritance… of the atoned POSSESSION…” (Jn. 1:12-14; Eph. 1:1, 12-14.)  The Holy Spirit fully “possesses” His blood-cleansed temple of believers, (1 Cor. 6:15-20.)  Jesus said He “does not give the Spirit by measure,” (Jn. 3:34.)  If we do not “have the Spirit, we are none of His,” (Rom. 8:9.)  Jesus came to “redeem those who were [lost] that we might receive the adoption as sons, [this is an allegory like the bride of Christ as spiritually, there is no race, social status, or gender in Christ, we are all one in Him, Gal. 3:28.]  And because you are sons, God sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your hearts… [so that you could be His,] (Gal. 4:6-7.)  “[So,] you [already] have the anointing of the Spirit.. [as He] abides in you…” (1 Jn. 2:20, 27.) 

Spiritually born again children of God, (who can be compared to the instantly born, physical children of human parents,) are already spiritually “complete in Christ” by being “in Him” from the moment they truly believe in, and accept Jesus Christ, (Col. 2:10.)  After that, they must grow emotionally or soulically/mentally in God through knowledge of the truth of His Word to understand and do His will, (Rom. 12:1-3.) 

However, knowledge of God does not save them ‘more.’  Once we belong to Jesus, we belong wholly to His Kingdom of light, life, and love, and the Holy Spirit of Truth constantly and completely, (not little by little,) indwells us as His living temple here on earth, (1 Jn. 2:20-27; 1 Cor. 3:16-17.)  Moreover, all sincerely born again believers are members of the spiritual “body or bride of Christ.”  Jesus’ body of believers cannot be contained by the walls and religious structures of a physical ‘church’ and its clergy.  The true body of Christ or Holy-Spirit temple is global, undivided, and in complete unity through their unwavering faith in, and Scriptural obedience to the Lord Jesus Alone.  A group, order, ritual, ‘sacrament,’ or initiation step that can bring sincere believers closer to God, does not exist. 

For this reason, God strictly forbade humanity to “make their children (and themselves) pass through the fire,” which represents systematic initiation rites or church sacraments of all kinds, (Deut. 18:10.)  Although this was literal human sacrifice to fertility gods, in New Testament Covenant context, it means they must not dedicate their children to Satan by initiating them through ‘rites of passages’ or any other ritual dedication either in church or in paganism.  

The well-known ‘saving’ or ‘sacramental’ Christian rites of baby baptism, teenage confirmation, etcetera, (just as the Pentecostal/Charismatic Promise Keepers’ masonic rites-of-passage concept,) is contrary to the real Biblical teachings of the Lord Jesus and His disciples.  To teach that the essence of God’s Kingdom, His commandments, commission to evangelize the world, and his spiritual signs or symbols, (the true Biblical water baptism, Lord’s Supper, and the anointing of ordinary oil,) are similar to, or can compare to pagan rites and rituals, is blasphemy — and unashamed witchcraft! 

(Continue to Earth, Smoke, Fire, Air, and baptizing water gods)