Pagan Similarities Between Christian, Islamic, and other full-moon fasts, the Easter Fast, and their ‘five point’ dogmas cannot be coincidence Renette Vermeulen
[Acknowledgement to the people who compiled and published these images] Related articles: ¨ Celtic Fall/Autumn (Shamhain) is HALLOWEEN or “all saints day” ¨ The Fast of Lent and the feast of Easter is not in the Bible
THE PAGAN SIMILARITIES BETWEEN CHRISTIAN, ISLAMIC, AND OTHER FULL-MOON FASTS AND THEIR DOGMAS CANNOT BE COINCIDENCE. IT IS THE END-TIME, ECUMENICAL, ONE-WORLD RELIGION AT WORK HERE. In this article: 1. Following the full moon in the Judaist ‘Passover,’ the Muslim fast of Ramadan, the Christian fast of Lent before Easter and spring equinox. 2. God’s true fast is a lifestyle in Christ. 3. The crescent moon of Islam and the crescent moon of Christianity. 4. Islamic/Christian predestination dogma. 5. The five pillars of Islam and Calvinism’s five points, which infiltrated the whole church system.
During March into April, the 30-day Islamic fast and the 40-day Christian fast of “Lent” keep to astrology, based on the full moon. The Muslim fast, Christian Lent, and Easter run during the ninth Islamic month Ramadan, the pagan ‘witch’s wheel of the year,’ the first Babylonian month Adar, and Judaism’s first month Nissan. The Hebrew calendar feasts were based on the new moon: Num. 28:11. Neither the Passover nor any other feast that Jesus fulfilled and annulled at the cross was based on the full moon: Heb. 9:8-12. The fast of Lent ends at Easter, which falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, on or after spring equinox or spring day in the Northern hemisphere. It also coincides with witchcraft and other pagan spring days, which point to March. This is supposedly when the ‘sun god’ that was ‘born again’ during the Christian christmas feast, crosses the ‘celestial equator’ into ‘spring equinox.’ In paganism, the full moon mostly signifies ‘the great power of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Ostara or Esostre, which allegedly ‘brings new life’ after winter. Ostara/Eostre was Christianized as the Easter feast; riddled with witchcraft and Scriptural misconceptions. So, Easter also focuses on pagan fertility symbols such as BUNNIES AND EGGS, which allegedly ‘bring new life’ to Christians. Just as in Judaism, Christian Easter connections to the ousted Passover feast reject the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ: Heb. 9:8-12, The shofar blown in Psalm 81:3 is the only reference to a Hebrew full moon feast, and was probably inserted from the Kabbalah. The full moon is also nowhere to be found in Exodus 12, where God instructed Israel, [past tense,] to keep the Passover. Yet, to suspect Israel of astrology during the full moon might be justified because they were continually infected with paganism. They even “wept for Tammuz [the ‘reincarnated’ Nimrod] in the temple:” Ezk. 8:12-18. To dabble in astrology is idolatry - revering creation instead of the Creator: Deut. 4:19; Rom. 1:18-32. Jesus’ real believers have nothing in common with Old Testament ceremonial laws, sacraments, and feasts; Passover included. Jesus “nailed it all to the cross” to establish His eternal New Covenant, and Judaist sacramentalism can add nothing to His all-sufficiency: Col. 2:13-15. As these things rob believers of their liberty, “LET NO ONE JUDGE YOU IN FOOD OR DRINK, OR REGARDING A FESTIVAL OR A NEW MOON, OR SABBATHS, which were [mere Judaist] symbols of the substance of Christ:” Col. 2:16-17; Heb. 10:1-7; 7:11-19; 8:7,13. Ramadan concentrates on “inner reflection and so Muslims fast from dusk until dawn to strengthen their growth in Islam.” They read the qur’an and give alms to the poor. The Christian fast of Lent, which ends at Easter, is the so-called ‘preparation to holiness for Easter’ to strengthen their membership in Christianity. During Lent, Christians “seek God in prayer (through Mary,) read the Bible, and give charity.” Conversely, one can only have a true relationship with God through real knowledge of and obedience to His New Covenant Word: John 1:1-14; 3:3-18; Rom. 12:1-2. Neither Christianized Lent, Easter, nor any church sacrament can achieve or add to a sincere relationship with God through the Lord Jesus Christ. All believer-followers of Jesus are personally born again and spiritually “complete in Christ:” Col. 2:9-15. Romans 12:1-2, “…Present your bodies [constantly] a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God [through the full atonement of Jesus Christ,] which is your reasonable [or basic, daily] service. And do not be CONFORMED to this world [by simply joining a church with its false dogmas,] but be TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your minds that you may know what is the… perfect will of God [for every situation to glorify and serve Him.]” 1 Peter 4:8-10, “Above all, in your service, [your lifestyle in Christ,] have fervent love, [agape in deed and truth,] for one another… Be hospitable without grumbling. As each one received a gift, minister it to one another as good STEWARDS of the manifold grace of God.” 1 Pt. 2:9-10. Ramadan requires ‘holy pilgrimage’ to Mecca and Christian Lent requires ‘pilgrimage’ to ‘holy places’ such as Israel, the annulled, physical country and nation of God: Jn. 3:16-18; Heb. 8:7,13; 9:8-12; 10:1-18. Hebrews 11:13-16, “[True believers…] confess that they are [spiritual] strangers and [spiritual] pilgrims [in this physical dimension…] They [are on their way to] their… [eternal] heavenly homeland…” Certain meat in Islam is forbidden. During certain Christian days meat is forbidden. But during Lent they may consume wine without restriction. Ephesians 5:18, paraphrased: ‘Do not destroy yourself by getting drunk on alcohol or anything else, but serve God so that the Holy Spirit controls your mind and life.’ “The Spirit prophesied that some will depart from the faith [following…] doctrines of demons… commanding to abstain from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe [and understand] the Truth… For every creature of God is good. Nothing is to be refused, [even if it were sacrificed to foreign gods such as in Halal, Kosher, or Hindu prasada,] for it is sanctified by God’s Word and prayer:” 1 Tim. 4:1-5. Muslims, Judaists, and Christians fast ceremonially as part of their salvation and redemption. But no such thing exists in the spiritual freedom, which true believers have [present tense] through the full atonement of Christ: Eph. 1:7-9,12-14; 2 Cor. 3:17; Gal. 5:1-7. The True God and Christ commanded in the Eternal Moral Law that there is only one constant fast for all God’s genuine believers. Isaiah 58:3-6, “…You fast for strife and debate and do wickedness… [Thus, this is the soulical/mind] fast I have chosen: loosen the bonds of wickedness, [all types of idolatry and immorality,] undo the heavy [religious and other sinful] burdens, let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke [caused by unrepentant sin...] Share your bread with the hungry [as a lifestyle of agape love,] and bring [in Holy-Spirit leading] the… [literal and spiritual] outcasts to your house.” Unconditional salvation or predestination is the core of Islam and of Christian churches such as Calvinism. They believe God ‘predestines’ or chooses only Muslims and those in church denominations such as Calvinism to be saved without personal choice. Allegedly, God ‘predestined’ the rest of humanity to go to eternal hell without personal choice. In Islam it is said that God even chooses their measure of sin such as adultery. The dogma of ‘once saved always saved,’ as long as you remain a Calvinist or other type of Christian, indicates the same. God’s Word explains that He predestined the whole world to be saved, but only those from every nation who choose to obey His calling, will go to heaven. John 1:11-13, “[Jesus the Only Christ] came to His own nation, [the Hebrews,] and they did not receive Him. But as many [of all the nations] who [believed in the Name of Jesus and chose to] receive Him, to them He gave the right [or power] to become the children of God, who were [personally and spiritually] born, not of blood, [physical descent,] nor of the will of the flesh, [church dogmas,] nor of the will of man, [human effort or legalism,] but of God:” Jn. 3:3-5. Islam has a five pointed star and a crescent moon on top of their steeples attached to mosques. Mary, the ‘wife and mother of god,’ the ‘holy spirit’ of the trinity and ‘mother’ to her churches that are attached to steeples, (the masonic symbol of sun worship,) stands or sits on a crescent moon. In reality, God has no “father, mother, genealogy, beginning of days or end of life…” Heb. 7:3. And the real Mary was an ordinary woman, who also had to be saved by faith in Jesus: Mt. 12:50. Crescent-moon symbols in religion are pagan astrology and pantheism, (the worship of nature.) It symbolizes the cosmic-earth goddess opposite the male sun god. In Deuteronomy 4:15-19, (a good example to believers in Christ, 1 Cor. 10:11-13,) God commanded Old Israel, “Take careful heed to yourselves… lest… when you see the sun, moon, and stars… you feel driven to worship them and serve them [as sky gods…]” That cosmic Christian goddess Mary is “the great harlot who sits on many waters… [symbolizing many nations; not the city of Rome but the entire church system.] She is the [church] mother of harlots, [her many denominations…] and she is drunk with the blood of [Jesus’ True Followers of The Way through centuries of brutal Catholic and Protestant crusades and inquisitions, while her false dogmas replaced a lot of God's true Word in her churches.]” So, God commanded, “Come out of her, My people, [not Jews or anyone else but believers in Christ,] lest you share in her sins and receive of her plagues.” 2 Cor. 6:16-18 say the same. Rev. 18:4; 2 Cor. 6:16-18; Acts 7:44-50; 9:2! Rev. 17:1-18; 18:4! Heb. 9:8-12! Furthermore, Islamic ‘salvation’ rests on their five-pointed star or dogmatic pillars. Christianity rests in various forms on the ‘five points’ of Calvinism. [Newer versions of Calvinism are scams. No church teaches salvation solely by faith, acceptance of Jesus’ full atonement, and full obedience to His Moral Law by God’s grace: Jn. 14:15; 1 Jn. 2:1-8.] ‘Total depravity,’ [man allegedly cannot choose between good or bad so God chose only Calvinists to be saved. All other denominations claim such exclusivity.] ‘Unconditional selection’ or false predestination [is the ‘once saved always saved;' dogma, no matter how you live, while all others go to hell.] ‘Limited atonement,’ (Jesus’ FULL atonement must be ‘completed’ by church sacraments such as the baby sprinkling and teenage confirmation, as in the rest of Christianity – think of things like “tithing to be blessed:” Gal. 3:10-14; Heb. 9:8-12! Jn. 19:28-30; Col. 2:9-15!) ‘Irresistible grace,’ [only Calvinists and other churches have grace from God because Jesus died only for them.] ‘Perseverance of the saints,’ [only Calvinists and other Christians will make it to heaven as they are the ‘elite’ of God.] To all this, God answered in Revelation 21:6-8, “…I give [Jesus Christ,] FREELY to him who thirsts. He who overcomes [deception, etcetera,] will inherit [heaven... But outside heaven] are the cowardly, [double-minded compromisers and other traitors,] unbelieving, abominable, [emotional, physical, spiritual] murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers [who turn God’s Word into church lies,] idolaters, [who love church, clergies, family, spouses, etcetera more than God.] AND ALL LIARS, WHO WILL HAVE THEIR PART IN THE LAKE… OF FIRE…” Brothers and sisters in Christ, let us repent big time from church and other deception. Time is of the essence! 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