my life 4 |
On This Page: Þ What is the true meaning of “fleeing from Judea to the mountains?” Þ The origin and truth of Christian Zionism and it’s connection to the Israeli Timeline dogma Þ The “One-Man Antichrist” of politics in the truth of Bible Prophecy and secular History Þ What About Armageddon? Þ The 666 Mark of the Beast will be for “Everyone” WHAT IS THE TRUE MEANING OF “FLEEING FROM JUDEA TO THE MOUNTAINS?” Jesus undoubtedly warned in Matthew 24:15-16, “When you see the abomination of desolation… standing in the holy place... [as seen on the previous page, this is the desolating antichrist spirit ruling over the born again temple of God, as Paul explained in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 — the false “miracle-makers,” working with the power of Satan, the god of this world,] let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains…” [Here, Illuminati agents also pulled this verse entirely out of New Covenant context to apply the proverbial “Judea” to physical Israel and the Jews. However, this is also an allegory, which in New Testament terms, identifies the physical church system of these fake ‘christs and gods’ we know so well. ‘Mountains’ symbolize ‘higher spiritual ground.’ This is why, in Revelation 18:4, God commands this flight from total ruin in the church system to the true presence of God through the truth of His Word in real Holy-Spirit power. ¨ “[Flee with such haste that] he, who is on the housetop, [most likely busy declaring the true Gospel from ‘housetops’ or in public through the media, etcetera,] must not go down to take anything out of his house, [or be distracted from his calling by physical needs, etcetera.] And let him who is in the field, [sowing and planting the Real Word of God,] not go back to get his clothes, [or return to legalism and other brilliantly engineered deceptions…]” Jesus confirmed in Mark 13:14-31, “When you see the abomination of desolation… standing where it ought not… [as seen, not in a ‘rebuilt temple in Jerusalem’ but in the Holy-Spirit temple of believers,] let no one who is on the housetop go down into the house, nor enter to take anything out of his house… But woe to those who are pregnant and nursing babies in those days! For in those days there will be [a multilevel] tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation… And unless the Lord shorten those days, NO flesh would be saved. But for the elect’s sake, [the bride that is going through the tribulation because the ‘rapture’ is nonsense,] He will shorten the days. [Again: God will shorten the days, not ‘rapture’ His believers! For in this time,] if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the christ!’ Or ‘Look he is there!’ Do not believe it, for false christs and prophets will rise and show signs and wonders to deceive… even the elect… [The madness we now see in churches is the most important sign of Jesus’ return as it is the fulfillment of “the abomination of desolation in the holy place” during the Great Tribulation, together with all the other signs.]
Matthew, Mark, and Luke all refer to the great deception of the Last Days as the primary symbol of Jesus’ return, (the abomination in the holy place or temple of the Holy Spirit,) and remind us of what happened in the days of Noah, and the haste with which Lot had to flee from Sodom. Luke 17:20-37 and Mark 13:4-6; 14-27; 32-37 state, “...Even so will it be in The Day when the Son of Man is revealed, [singular.] In That Day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. Likewise the one who is in the field, let him not turn back. Remember Lot’s wife… I tell you, in that night there will be two men in one bed; [and two working together in the field…] the one will be taken and the other left. [This is not the “Left Behind” lie.] For wherever the [dead] body is, there the vultures [false clergies] will be gathered together,” to keep believers form getting ready for Jesus’ return, That Day when the bride will be taken and all the “unbelievers and those who do not obey the Gospel” will be left to the flame and fire from heaven,” which will even burn the “elements” and everything on earth, (2 Ths. 1:7-12; 2 Pt. 3:10-14.) Mark 13:32-37 concurred, “...Watch, therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming — in the evening, at midnight, a the crowing of the rooster, or in the morning, lest, coming suddenly [not secretly,] He finds you sleeping…” This is not the so-called ‘theft’ of ‘the rapture.’ This a warning to be alert and focus on Jesus’ return. ¨ As deception is the primary sign of Jesus’ return and it manifests trough false ‘christs and gods’ who give extremely false signs and wonders, we can know that That Day of Jesus’ return is near. Deception intensified immensely during the last two centuries. After the idolatrous Roman Catholic Church, the ‘mother’ of all church systems, was established after Jesus ascended into heaven, she spawned her many Protestant daughters during the 16th century Reformation. (Dutch Reformed and the many other churches of Calvinism, Lutheranism, Presbyterianism, etcetera.) However, the Jesuit Order of Rome birthed most of their great masonic deceptions during the 19th century. These churches proliferated during the 20th century and are growing madly in our 21st century. For instance, Edward Irving’s Catholic Apostolic Church was founded in 1831 and the Old Apostolic Church around 1832. Mason Joseph Smith founded Mormonism in 1820, which produced the Church of the Latter-Day Saints and her modern daughters such as the Pentecostal Movement in 1901, and the Charismatic Movement in the 1960s. The Seventh Day Adventists made the Saturday Sabbath their savior in 1844. Mason Charles Taze Russell and Joseph Rutherford put the Jehovah’s Witness Society together in 1870. Messianic Judaism wildly grew since the 1960s. William Branham’s Jesus Only tabernacles engulfed people in 1933. Armstrong conjured up the Worldwide Church of God in 1934. Jim Jones began his cult-murdering church in 1951 and David Koresh of The Branch Dividian did the same in 1955... ¨ It seems that since the beginning of the 19th century, a dangerous, unscriptural cult is born every few years and now, it seems deception is even in the air that we breathe.
THE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIAN ZIONISM AND IT’S CONNECTION TO THE ISRAELI TIMELINE RAPTURE DOGMA The Futurist father of the Apostolic Movement, Edward Irving, did not merely inaugurate the Israeli Timeline deception as discussed in this study, but also anti-Jesus and thus antichrist Christian Zionism. Their literal interpretation and uncontextual ‘fulfilment’ of redesigned Old Testament prophecies always focus on the physical nation and country of Israel, while they lawlessly abuse Jesus’ New Testament Covenant. The Israeli timeline of the Christian Zionist Movement, (which is diligently taught by Crypto Jew Evangelicals and Messianic Judaism,) also flowed from the teachings of Edward Irving & Company. From there, the poisonous seeds of Christian Zionism too, were carried into all the churches by John Darby and his Plymouth Brethren. ¨ Gary M. Burge wrote in ‘Christian Zionism, Evangelicals, and Israel,’ “The [1800s] Albury conferences brought together Edward Irving’s pre-millennialism, Lewis Way's preoccupation with the literal and futurist [Roman Catholic Jesuit] fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies, and Joseph Wolff's quest for the 'lost tribes of Israel’ or “British Israelism.” Those meetings… and the journals and books published… such as the Morning Watch, provided the catalyst for what became the popular conviction that God had a continuing and separate purpose for the Jewish people, apart from the [New Testament Covenant’s born again, blood-saved body of Jesus Christ as described in John 3:16; 1:12-14.] While the conviction that such events would occur in their own lifetime proved unfounded, the [false] belief that such [literal end-time] events were nevertheless predicted in the Bible, became the theological foundation for 20th Century Christian Zionism...” ¨ In Romans chapter 11, Paul was not speaking of the ‘automatic’ salvation of the Jewish nation! (Heb. 8:13, chapters 7-10; Gal. 6:11-16!) All Paul’s teachings focus on the Spiritual Kingdom and personally born again, spiritual nation of God; the global, blood-redeemed body of Christ, (1 Pt. 2:9-10; Jn. 18:36.) Today, thousands of Jews are individually and through personal faith, coming to a saving knowledge in Jesus Christ — which is the literal fulfilment of Romans Chapter 11! ¨ Gary Burge continued, “...Could the atonement of Jesus have been insufficient, so that God would lead Messianic Jews back to the Old Covenant; back to temple-worship; even back to the re-institution of temple-sacrifice? Such ridiculous notions attempt to prove our Lord Jesus a liar, as He Himself had said, He is “Mediator of a Better Covenant… In that He says, ‘A new covenant,’ He has made the first obsolete… to vanish away,’ (Heb. 8:13.) ‘Jesus is High Priest forever according to the Order of Melchizedek,’ (Heb. 4:14; 5:6.) ‘Jesus is [The] Minister of the sanctuary and of the true tabernacle which the Lord erected, and not man,’” (Heb. 8:1-2.) This has been Jesus and His disciples’ fight with legalist heretics all along, as Paul explained in Galations 2:21, ‘I do not set aside the (New Testament) grace of God; for if righteousness comes through the law, [or the temple of physical Israel,] then Christ died in vain.’” ¨ Indeed, there is no way that God will lead His believers back to the bondage, ceremonies, and sacrifices of the Old Testament covenant. Acts 7:44-50, “Our fathers had the tabernacle [signifying God’s presence] in the wilderness… But Solomon built Him a house. However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands...” David insisted on building God ‘a house;’ it was not God’s idea. But, because Israel wanted everything the pagans had, God said He will allow Solomon to build the physical temple, (2 Sam. 7:1-7.) Similarly, Israel actually “rejected God, that He should not reign over them,” in favor of a physical king like the heathens have, (1 Sam. 8:4-22.) So God said, “Heed their voice, and make them a king…”
THE “ONE-MAN ANTICHRIST” OF POLITICS VERSUS TRUE BIBLE PROPHECY AND SECULAR HISTORY As seen, the so-called “one man antichrist that will rule the world for the last seven years,” also falls into the Israeli Timeline’s twisted and literal interpretation of Bible prophecy, which does not fit into the context of Jesus’ spiritual New Testament Covenant. The history of international masonic orders showed how these hidden powers, through colonization, war, and revolution, planned and shaped the course of global history since the 16th century. This slides snugly into Jesus’ prophesies in Matthew 24, Luke 17 & 21, Revelation 13, and Daniel Chapters 7-12, which are all intertwined. ¨ These Scriptures could not have been interpreted correctly until now, as the extensive prophecy that God gave Daniel, (described in Chapters 7-12,) was “sealed until the time of the end, when many will run to and fro, and knowledge will increase,” (Dan. 12:4.) Since the beginning of the 20th century until now, an explosion of knowledge catapulted the world into inconceivable technological and scientific advancements. And believers began to run everywhere after false ‘teachers,’ ‘healers’ and ‘prophets’ in their desperation to ‘make God perform.’ What’s more, the Israeli Timeline’s so-called physical ‘one man antichrists’ Nero and Alexander the Great operated ages before the end of the end times we are experiencing now. And Hitler too, is long gone. So, as seen from the truth of New Testament Scripture, their so-called last ‘one man antichrist’ is just another hoax. In fact, these so-called “four antichrists” are not human men at all. They are mighty spiritual entities that operate on a global scale and in conjunction with one another through governments and churches during the “last of the end-time,” (Dan. 12:4; Rev. 13:1-18.) Þ Daniel and John prophesied the same vision. Four beasts rise out of the stormy political ‘sea.’ First a lion, then a bear, then a leopard, then a dragon. Daniel sees them emerge one-by-one. John sees them combined into the dreadful end of the end-time leopard beast with the feet of a bear and the ‘mouth’ [language] of a lion, powered by the [monetary wealth of the] dragon. Together, these beasts, under control of the fourth beast, are “devourers of the whole earth,” (Dan. 7:23.) So, it is impossible that the manifestation of this four-in-one, end of the end-time beast, could have been by-gone rulers, who only conquered geographical portions of the earth. This prophecy is for the time we living in now, (Dan. 12:4.) This is a warning of total, global, demonic control that will affect every life on earth like never before. As the so-called “rapture rescue plan” is a deception, the global rule of these four-beasts-in-one will last until “The Son of Man, [Who has an everlasting Kingdom,] comes with the clouds of heaven,” (Dan. 7:11-14.)
From the Truth of the Bible and of history is it evident that the true “antichrist” of the Last Days is not the “one-man antichrist” of the false Israeli Timeline dogma that supposedly rule the whole world for seven years. “He,” just as the abomination that “sits” in the holy place” or in the temple of the Holy Spirit, it is not “a” man but “like a man,” (2 Ths. 2:1-12; Dan. 7:8.) The four end-time beasts in Daniel 7-12 and Revelation 13 have been working one-by-one, supported by the others from behind the scenes, since the 16th century already. But now, “he” or actually Satan, has been revealing himself as the deadly four-in-one spirit beasts of Revelation 13:1-18 that subdue, destroy, and control the whole world. The lion beast. The dragon lion is the insignia of Britain and nearly the whole of Europe. It began when, like never before in history, European imperialism from the West colonized huge portions of the earth and spread the English language and African slaves over nearly the whole world. The British Empire by itself was so vast, they said, “The sun never sets over Britannica.” At that stage, the lion still did not rule the whole world, although Britain and her European allies, in the first part of the 20th century, caused and finished Two World Wars by involving their many colonies as well. The bear beast. The bear is Russian or communist insignia. It is most significant that after the Second World War in 1945, the lion from the West gave permission to the Russian bear from the East to start stampeding the whole world with communist destruction. Communism actually dates back to the American Revolution, (1775,) Napoleon in Europe, (1789-1799,) Russia, (1917,) etcetera. But after the Second Word War in 1945, the bear’s constant, violent, communist revolution (or the so-called ‘liberation of the world’s masses that the lion oppressed,’) submitted the entire world, [this is a must-see video,] to the Socialist doctrine of the United Nations’ final formation of the One World Order. Communist chaos and socialist control still escalate in our day. The bear’s global communist imperialism during the 20th century until now, was never done before in history. Together, the lion, bear, leopard and dragon ushered in the time Jesus described as part of the “Great tribulation, a time such as has “not been since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will be,” (Mt. 24:21.) For those in countries that were not yet negatively affected by the these global spirits, or those who have “risen out of the ashes” after World War Two like Germany, it seems unthinkable that this was the beginning of the Great, Escalating Tribulation that Jesus prophesied in Matthew 24. But ask anyone who lived (and still lives) through Satan’s global destruction, and you will hear the truth about the suffering and obliteration of humanity, civilization, and God’s once pristine creation. The leopard beast. The leopard is African insignia, (Rev. 13;2.) It is even printed on the back of South Africa’s R200 note. This global entity embodies all the billions of slaves worldwide that were affected by the colonization and enslavement of the lion and the so-called ‘liberation’ of the bear. The leopardlike beast represents all four spirits during it’s end-time manifestation. It’s deceptive dogma is humanism. “His feet are like the feet of a bear [communism carries it,] and his mouth like the mouth of a lion, [English is it’s world-unifying language.] In fact, the leopard signifies the union of all the communist countries worldwide, but especially those from the East. The dragon or fourth beast: The dragon is the insignia of China. “The dragon gives the [three-in-one] leopard beast it’s power,” (Rev. 13:2.) The dragon is from the East, (China, India, Middle East, etcetera.) Today, China does not have to make military onslaughts on the world. It simply ‘buys’ the entire world as it supplies the bungling socialist leopard beast with its support and finances. United in the form of the communist, English-speaking, African leopard, those beasts are now, in our day, moving the entire world from the Pax Americana/Britannica control in the West, to the United Nations’ Pax Africana control in the East. And the dragon beast from the East will ultimately place the whole world under the control of the upcoming “Little Horn.” This “Little Horn” is not the so-called “one man antichrist.” It is the controlling, global religion of Islam from the East, which is behind the socialist, One-World Government of our time. ¨ While all these political prophesies were, and are being fulfilled before our eyes, the religious “beast from the earth” or from the religious (church) world, (false ‘christs’ with their false ‘anointing’ and seemingly countless doctrines of devils,) are controlling the entire Christendom under the ecumenism, or denominational unity of the Roman Catholic Church, (Rev. 13:11-18; 18:4-20.) That is why God earnestly calls His people out of all the churches, (Rev. 18:4.)
WHAT ABOUT ARMAGEDDON? The apocalyptic Book of Revelation, as all the prophetic Books, use spiritual visions, allegories, and symbolic language to illustrate what was, and what is going on in the spirit world before, and during a specific time in history. The Book of Revelation was not written in complete chronological order, as these events are mostly spiritual occurrences. For instance, in Revelation Chapter 12, John refers to a very important battle where Satan, the old dragon-snake and the demons that follow him, warred with Michael and God’s other holy angels in an era, which could have been eons before God created humans on the earth. This larger-than-life battle is more vividly described in Ezekiel 27:11-19 and Isaiah 14:9-14 as the fall of the Morning Star Lucifer, (the false light bringer, the devil and his rebellious demons,) when they planned mutiny against God and were thrown out of heaven, (Lu. 10:18-19.) Nevertheless, the Israeli Timeline teaches that at Armageddon, the army of Israel and Jesus and His angelical armies, will literally fight the devil and his demonic and human forces on the flats of Megiddo, (Rev. 16:16.) It is not uncommon that demons and angels, and men on different sides, engage one another on the battlefield. Warring demons and protecting angels were present at every battle that was fought throughout history. Yet, the Israeli Timeline teaches that “Armageddon” will be “World War Three;” a battle that surpasses all battles when Russia, the Arabs, and even the whole world, gather together to physically engage the nation of Israel and the ‘armies of God’ on this battlefield, (1 Jn. 5:19.) But once again, the so-called physical manifestation of such a battle is a great distortion of Jesus’ spiritual New Testament Covenant, (Jn. 3:16.) Þ Let us remember that the nation of Israel rejected Jesus as their prophesied Savior; they are still waiting for another 'messiah' to arrive. And while there are Jews that accept and follow Jesus, it is a fallacy that the whole nation of Israel will be instantly saved by Jesus without personal faith in Him. Everyone on earth must personally accept Him to become a redeemed, saved, and blessed, born-again citizen of heaven, (Jn. 3:16; 1:12-13; 3:3-5.) Þ Hence, the physical land of Israel and the Hebrew nation belong to the ousted Old Testament Covenant, (Heb. 8:13.) During our New Covenant era, Scripture stands immovable on the fact that Jesus supplies all our needs in this life, and focuses on the well-being of His Scripturally born again disciples and their future in heaven, (1 Pt. 2:9-10.] Þ In the New Testament Covenant of Jesus Christ, everything became spiritual. Spiritual armor, (Eph. 6:11-18.) A spiritual ‘homeland’ in heaven. A spiritual nation of believers. A spiritual temple of the Holy Spirit. A spiritual priesthood. And spiritual battles fought against the deceptions of the devil “in the minds” or thoughts and beliefs of men, (1 Jn. 5:18-19; 2 Cor. 10:3-6.) Þ So, although prophecy is fulfilled on a multilevel, as the spirit world always affect what happens in the natural world, we cannot see Armageddon in any other light than the Light of the New Covenant in Christ. Thus, it is unscriptural to turn this battle, as so many other things the Israeli Timeline teaches on, into a physical battle on a physical plane where Jesus literally fights with humans as well as demons. As most of the symbolic language of the Book of Revelation, we can be certain that this battle will, or is already taking place in the spirit world.
Still, Illuminati eschatology pivots on the only verse where “Armageddon” is mentioned in the Bible, (Rev. 16:16.) As in all their other genius deceptions, they materialized and disconnected this verse from the rest of Scripture to turn it into a literal, separate war at Jesus’ alleged “third return” for those who were supposedly “left behind at the rapture,” (Rev. 16:16.) The mere fact that they connected this once-off verse where ‘Armageddon’ is mentioned to their rapture fallacy, must alert believers to the hidden agenda behind this doctrine. In fact, Bible scholars cannot even agree on where Armageddon really is. We must be very careful of once-off Bible verses and passages, which are pulverized to manufacture false doctrines. Illuminati agents carefully extracted verses like Revelation 16:16 to confuse Jesus’ believers, and to focus their attention on things beyond their control, instead of teaching them to “watch” and be “ready” for Jesus’ once-off return on the clouds, (Mt. 25:1-13.) ¨ Here is the relevant verse, which these ‘World War Three’ Messianic Judaists omit. It is Revelation 16:15, the verse that directly precedes Revelation 16:16 on Armageddon. Jesus states, “I Am coming as [unexpectedly not secretly] as a thief [or a lightning bolt that suddenly flashes [and shines] globally,] (Mt. 24:27-31.) Blessed is he who watches and keeps his garments, lest he walks naked and they see his shame.” After Jesus’ once-off return, there will be no more war – ever. So, in the context of Revelation 16:15 and all the many Scriptures that describe Jesus’ return to earth on That [One] Day, Revelation 16:16 makes absolute sense. While the rest of Scripture focus on the way in which Jesus will return, and the signs in world politics, the cosmos, and most importantly in the church, the Book of Revelation tells us more about the unseen things that are happening in the spirit world during our time, as well as the things that will happen at Jesus’ once-off return. For those who would listen, God’s Voice of loving admonition sounds loudly right through Scripture and echoes in the mazes of time. We will all be without an excuse on That Day when Jesus returns. ¨ So, keeping Revelation 16:16 in the spotlight while ignoring Revelation 16:15, the Illuminati makes the demonic kings of the earth that gather together at a place called “Armageddon," seem nearly invincible. But from what we are witnessing in our day, I would say the whole world has already ‘gathered together’ in “a state of Armageddon,” or a state of worldwide spiritual, emotional, and physical war against Jesus and His true body or bride, (Rev. 13:11-18.) Those lawless rebels that openly covet the Crown of Jesus are ready to, as in the days of the Tower of Babel, (Gen. 11,) “drag heaven down to earth” in their churches and political rallies. That extend to overall Satanic rule in the minds, hearts, and lives of everyone on earth who refuses to obey the Scriptural Truth of Jesus, (2 Ths. 2:1-12.) |