PETER WAS RELUCTANT TO STAND WITH ANNA, AND NO ONE WOULD ‘STAND IN THE MIDDLE’About nine years after Charles and Zeena had abandoned their habitatio right and the children, and after many attempts from Anna to speak to them to resolve the mess they created, while Peter remained distant and apparently uninterested although she encouraged him time and again to attempt to speak to them, they had a chance meeting with Charles’ youngest brother, Dirk and his wife Bessie. Peter eventually asked the man to speak to his parents and convey the message that he and Anna are asking for peace. They want to live in a normal way with them. Dirk stroked his grey beard thoughtfully and then said coldly, “I will never stand in the middle, thank you!” A few months later, Peter and Anna, on separate occasions, asked the rat and his loud-mouthed cousin Leon, Dirk’s son, the same question relating to their earnest desire for peace, but they received exactly the same answer. Clearly, a great conspiracy among the parents and their helpers was separating the couple and their children from everyone they knew, loved, and respected. In the meantime, Charles’ brother Dirk, Peter’s cousins, and all the couple’s other family members, neighbors, and acquaintances, who either continued to participate in, and/or passively supported the parents’ nonstop emotional infanticide on Peter, Anna, and the boys, were decidedly rejecting Peter and his family. Once, Anna called Zeena to plead for peace, begging her to stop their onslaught on them. However, Zeena, on Charles’ screaming, threatening, and swearing insistence in the background, simply put down the phone’s handset next to the receiver and walked away. That day, determined not to allow these attacks to continue one more day, Anna called back nine times. Zeena answered each call, but, without a word, the calls all ended in the same degrading manner.
Charles and Zeena have decided not to show her son, Anna, and the boys a slighter of pity or mercy for whatever they deemed as unforgivable. Then, on Anna’s insistence and on two separate occasions, first Peter, accompanied by his loud-mouthed cousin, Leon, and then Peter and Anna together, went to the parents’ house to try to reason with them. Each time Charles chased them away, shouting, “I will never, never, never make peace with you!” These were the exact words he said to Anna’s mother when she asked for peace between them and “the children.” As Anna left, that day when Charles repeatedly chased her away, she turned to him and said calmly, “Remember this day, when I stood here before you to make peace with you. Because, when we stand before the judgment throne of God, you will not be able to lie to God and say you never had the chance to stop all your sin and repent from your abuse against us.” For a moment, Charles was openly stunned. It was as if the Holy Spirit had slapped him in the face. Then he turned his back on Anna and stormed away, shouting repeatedly, “I will never, never, never, never, never, never make peace with you!” On all of these occasions too, Zeena just stood casually by. She did not seem upset in any way, and as usual, she did not utter a word or made the slightest attempt to defend or help her son, if then she would not grant Anna any peace. It was indisputably clear that not even Peter’s own mother was prepared to say a single, reconciling word; write a letter, or make a phone call to this effect, or confess, repent, or attempt to do restitution for any of their most evil deeds against them. On the contrary, always doing everything underhandedly, it came via the grape vine that “the only way in which Peter would be able to ‘return to his parents,’ would be by divorcing that white-face witch!” It seemed that nothing on earth could make them stop their soul and life destroying murder on Anna. In the end, all Anna got for her many attempts at peace, was Zeena’s hysterical accusations, (Charles refused to even look at Peter and Anna,) “It’s all your fault, you sewn-on rag! J***s man, everything, everything, everything is your fault!” “What did I do that could be so unforgivable?” Anna insisted again. “It’s not really about ‘little things,’ I know. Tell me, and I will try to make everything right. Please, I want this to stop...” “You know! You know!” “No, I don’t know! I never went behind your backs. I always tried to make peace…” “Yes, you devil, you keep on pestering us pretending you want peace because of your guilty conscience!” “What do I have on my conscience? Please tell me what I have done that is so terrible?” “You know! You know!”
GOD’S ANSWER TO ANNA After Anna, (she never heard Peter pray or say anything in this regard,) had been praying all those years for a solution to this heart-rending problem, God irrevocably and clearly answered her. She knew in her heart God said, “Ask yourself: Who are they that you desire and need their love and acceptance?” Anna answered, “They could have been my parents in this world, Lord — especially all those years since mine are gone!” “But they never wanted you as their child — and you have Me as your Father. Why do you so desperately want them in your life that you keep on fighting and pleading with them to stop and return?” Tears of sorrow streamed down her face, “I hate this lifelong rejection and enmity, which Peter and I, and the boys have to suffer, Lord.” “But you have acceptance and peace with Me. What do your think you can mean to them, even if they would allow you into their life?” “I could have been their daughter…” “They never wanted you in their lives, and now you are My daughter. What can they mean to you, or do for you, which I cannot do for you through other people, who would be willing to do My will?” “Nothing, Father, because You supply my every need! You do not chase me away when I fail Your expectations. You do not kick and hit me when I falter and fall. You do not keep me guessing about what I could have done wrong. You do not let me stumble in sorrow and darkness. You tell me my faults and convince me of my sins so that I can know what I must do to make it right. You help me to get up each time I am cast down. You encourage and teach me. You strengthen and lead me in Your ways. You are truly my all-good Father; my All and All, My God in Whom I trust and to Whom I belong! THE TRAGIC OUTCOME OF THIS 31-YEAR (and counting) FEUDEventually, to the best of his ability, Charles Manson had finally done everything “his way.” It had been more than 20 years since he and Zeena had abandoned their habitatio right, Peter, and his family. Manson got his ultimate ‘revenge’ for whatever they did, by dying without speaking one reconciling word of truth to either Zeena’s only son, the daughter-in-law, or the grandsons. He left his deadly legacy of lies, slander, rejection, and abuse to those he once called “his children” and “grandchildren,” and to those he could have known, and called his “great-grandchildren.” Even while the man was laying on his deathbed for a whole month, wrestling with death, Zeena did not lower herself to lift a telephone to tell Peter her husband was dying. Of course he never asked for Peter or the boys. However, a strange spiritual experience, just before Peter and Anna heard he was dying, baffled Anna but she never connected it to Charles Manson when it happened. She woke to someone desperately shuffling around in the room. She knew it was a very distressed soul. Someone who could not face God in dealing with his sin or at His judgment. Once Charles was gone, Zeena’s helpers came down on them like a pack of ravenous wolves. Everyone placed all the blame for “letting that kind old man die without reconciling with Peter,” squarely on Peter and Anna’s shoulders. Uncle Dirk, whom Peter once asked to speak to ‘the parents,’ called that night shortly after his brother died. He spoke to Peter. “He’s dead,” the man said crudely. “You should have been here.” “That was impossible. None of you wanted me there. Nobody did anything to help. Once, I asked you to help me, remember, but you said you will not stand in the middle...” “You f*****g c**t!” the deluded man who was probably was Peter’s real father, swore at the top his voice and switched off the cell phone. THE TRUTH WHY PETER AND HIS FAMILY COULD NOT ATTEND THE FUNERALThe truth of the matter is that even if Peter, Anna, and the grandsons wanted to, Charles and Zeena did not allow them to reconcile with them. Yet, Zeena the Black Scorpion would have liked to sting her way into her grandsons lives behind Peter and Anna’s backs to separate them from their parents as well, but God by His grace, did not allow her to do that. The way Zeena never notified them of Charles’ imminent death proved that Zeena and her husband made a pact to help Charles to keep his word, (that he will “never, never, never make peace with Anna — but actually, with Peter too,”) so that they could take their secret concerning Peter’s biological father to the grave. Even if Zeena would have invited them to Charles’ death bed, they would have been strangers to ‘the parents’’ home, where deceived and thus hostile, estranged cousins, friends, and unknown extended family members have taken the place of Peter and his family for nearly a lifetime. Thus, Peter and his family would not have had the liberty to attend either the tearful deathbed gatherings, or the well-attended memorial service in the church. Zeena virtually lived in her Dutch Reformed church as she grew older, but being carried into church in a coffin must have been the first time Charles Manson was inside a church since the day his parents sprinkled water on him as a baby — oh, and since the day Peter and Anna got married with their ‘blessing’ and consent. In a tragic way, Charles’ open agnosticism always seemed encouraging to Anna. She knows God still has mercy on cold-hearted sinners, but He hated hardened, hypocritical religionists, who abused His Name, children, and Word to justify themselves and to unrelentingly further their sin. Even in death the deceased himself, his sin-assisting wife, and all their deluded helpers once again succeeded in turning Peter and Anna into “hard-hearted demons destined for hell, because they have rejected, robbed, hated, and persecuted his innocent parents unto death,” while everyone else are on their way to heaven. Neither the mother, nor any of their many helpers spared a single thought for the rejection, humiliation, false accusations, slander, loneliness, and disruption, which Peter, Anna, and especially their two sons, had to suffer all those years. An entirely new generation was born and raised since Peter and his family last saw most of the parents’ vengeful helpers. Now, Peter and Anna were grandparents themselves, and they have grown accustomed to their new life as aliens and orphans in this world. Finally weaned from sick and damaging relationships, they no longer desired the ‘parents’’ and their helpers’ acceptance, affection, protection, or company. THE BLAME-SHIFTING, PROJECTING, EXECUTIONER NARCISSISTSlanderers and other abusers such as narcissists often use trust and confidentiality as tools of extortion and troublemaking. They commonly use phrases as those which Charles’ “White Rat” often recited, “You can tell me; you know you can trust me! I will never say a word. My lips are sealed.” Yet, these abusers keep nothing to themselves. Such intensely disturbed people will often hold onto that story for as long as their victims play by their rules, or until they choose to use the story to slander, hurt, harm, control, and make trouble for their victims. Even more appallingly, such venomous snakes, as Jesus called them in the Bible, usually befriend their victims over and over as the rat did with Anna; again building trust – just to play the same demented game from scratch. Additionally, these extortionists do not relay the neither the context nor truth of what had been told to them. They are abusers of the most evil kind, who simply mix fact and fiction, or invent pure fiction to use as ‘confidential truth,’ which their victims supposedly ‘entrusted to them,’ and which they see as their right to abuse as they please. A good illustration of this type of abuser is Zeena, who met Anna in a shopping center some time after Charles had died. Anna confronted her about their slander among even her (Anna’s) family, asking softly, “How could you do such a nasty thing? You destroyed my name even among my own family! No matter how badly you behaved since Peter and I got engaged and were married, I still introduced and invited you to my family gatherings without reserve. You and Charles were always welcome in our home and in my parents’ home; especially when we had family parties over Christmas and New Year! I never thought you would abuse my trust and goodwill to turn not only your family, but even my own family against me. They believe your lies about me, being a ‘Christian,’ but stealing ‘your’ house and chasing you away…” “Who told you that?” the woman interrupted her. “I told you before; we never said any such thing!” “Everyone we met during the years, and many members of my own family, all told the same story. My cousin…” The mother’s face lit in a devilish glee as she interrupted loudly in that public place, “Is that the cousin you whored with when you climbed through your bedroom window while your mother was sitting in the kitchen?” “How dare to say such a thing? Who told you this terrible lie? Which cousin are you talking about?” “Why, you told me yourself, remember?” “How could I have told you such lies about myself? Why would I tell you such a horrible thing, even if it were true?” “You told me many things… What’s wrong with you? Don’t you remember?” “Even if it could be true — what does my life before I knew Peter have to do with you? I was never unfaithful to him. He was the one and only man that ever touched me!” Zeena just laughed at her. She knew she had deflected and successfully crushed Anna’s objection of their slanderous invasion of even her side of the family by adorning herself with blame shifting and extortion. She was pretending to possess confidential truth, which she had received from Anna. Instead, she had received another dreadful, tongue-murdering lie directly from the mouth of her lying father the devil himself.
In fact, Zeena was merely projecting her own guilt onto Anna, because Anna ‘dared’ to speak out against Charles’ denial of fathering Peter. Anna also knew about Zeena’s affair with Roelf when Peter was a child. While Zeena was still abusing alcohol, they got so drunk over weekends they shared their bed with Gert; one of their frequent drinking partners. Now, Anna was again deeply humiliated and angered by this attack on her character, morality, and her childhood relationship with her favorite cousin. She knew instinctively that Zeena was talking about Nick. She never had a relationship with any other cousin. If anything, this again proved Zeena’s guilt in shamelessly slandering Anna’s name among her family members as well. Of course, some of them, believing her lies, could not wait to get on the band wagon. As it was her way, Zeena had befriended them too, to gather whatever type of information she could find to use against Anna and the boys, to separate the young family further from everyone they know, and if possible, from each other. Even worse, Anna realized that Zeena had been spreading this foul lie wherever she found the opportunity. The truth is, Anna could never have climbed through her bedroom window, either as a child or as a teenager, as her bedroom window was covered by a solid steel burglar bar. Furthermore, her cousin Nick, also a child at the time, lived with his parents on the family farm some 60 kilometers away. He had no way to visit her on his own, even if he wanted to. What’s more, defiling the innocent friendship that existed between her and her cousin was to accuse Anna of incest, not merely of immorality. Her cousin was like a brother to her while they were growing up. As teenagers, they danced together in full sight of the entire family during family gatherings, which usually turned into family parties. During family gatherings, the numerous other children and teenagers in the family always surrounded Anna and her cousin while the adults were joking and conversing until the children had fallen asleep on the floor.
To try and settle the matter, Anna whispered, “How dare you slander my name with such terrible lies? If you have anything to say, tell the truth! I could never climb through my bedroom window because of the heavy burglar bars…” “Oh what nonsense!” She laughed mockingly. “That filthy old ruin never had anything as luxurious as a burglar bar!” “How dare you humiliate my honest, hard-working parents this way! Have you no shame? This is another one of your lies! Yet, they never spoke a word against you even when you came to their (and my) home with your sleeping partner while your husband was so drunk he could not get out the car! All our visitors thought Gert was your new boyfriend!” “You yourself said your mother was a whore and you are also a whore! Don’t speak to me about your decent parents…”
Despite Anna’s deep disgust, more than two years after Charles’ death, she once again tried to dissolve this evil that kept on affecting their lives. Although Peter was never much interested, she was still willing to forgive and forget everything, should Zeena be willing to stop this death drive against her life and family; confess their multitude of sins against them, repent, (and seeing that they polluted so many people,) do restitution by restoring their name. During this time, Anna had a dream about Zeena. She dreamt Zeena was doing her make-up and gluing false eye-lashes to her own. In the dream, Anna said to her, “Why do you do that, Ma? You look like a prostitute.” Zeena turned and looked at her, fluttering her artificial lashes. “I know,” she said. “So, why do you do it?” “Because, by now, everyone knows me like this. Don’t you see? It’s too late for me to change now.”
Eventually, when they faced each other again in Anna’s lounge with Peter present, Zeena made a conclusive statement concerning their abuse of her son and his family, “No. No. No,” she shook her head, justifying their unspeakable sins, “We never said a single word about you or anything! Never! Charles and I are totally innocent! J***s man, I tell you the truth, those evil bunch of troublemakers are all lying! We have never done anything wrong in our whole life!” “So, it wasn’t ‘wrong’ of him to die without speaking to me for more than 20 years — and without any real reason?” Peter eventually asked wryly. “What an achievement!” “Well,” the woman shrugged her shoulders, “that’s just the way Charles was; he actually had a good heart. I know he’s in heaven, just like the robber on the cross. How can you say Charles abused you all your life and never showed you love? Charles always wanted to ‘give’ you ‘the house.’ He was just a very determined person and demanded obedience; everyone knew him like that, that’s the way he was! Charles did nothing wrong. And I did nothing wrong. I am innocent, I am clean. I am saved and I am also going to heaven.” A heavy silence followed. Then Anna said, “You are seriously fooling yourself, Ma. Tell me, if I ‘give’ you my gold chain and you ‘give’ me your string of pearls, that’s ‘swopping’ necklaces, isn’t it?” Zeena stared starkly at the younger woman without moving a muscle. “Then you really haven’t “given” me anything, have you,” Anna continued, “seeing you have my gold chain, and I have your string of pearls? And if you then abandon your gold chain next to my string of pearls, yet go and label me as a thief, a dirty scoundrel, and a false ‘Christian’ in the eyes of the whole world, you still haven’t “given” me anything accept constant sorrow, oppression, and humiliation, have you? Let us not forget — I never asked you for your string of pearls in the first place. It was yours to keep. But you yourself chose to swop it for my gold chain.” Zeena lowered her head but not her eyes and shrugged her shoulders. “If that’s the way you want to see it...” Anna shook her head in disbelief. She knew the woman was playing mind-games with her, but she sees hell as an eternal torment, and would not like to see Zeena go there. “You will never let up, will you?” Anna asked sorrowfully. “You will never, never stop persecuting us over this silly old house, which we actually bought from you in a real estate trade, will you? If you really believe you are going to heaven without any conviction of sin; without sincere confession of all these horrendous atrocities against us; without repentance from your sins, and without the necessary restitution to vindicate us from all your public lies, false accusations, the destruction of our good name, and by restoring our family and secular life, which you have ruined by your constant slander, you are making God a liar, as His Word declares the exact opposite.” “I told you we have done nothing wrong,” Zeena kept on lying with a straight face, again adding blame shifting and projection to the conversation. “You are the one who never, never let up. You are only trying to appease your guilty conscience by speaking to me. Why are you speaking to me? When will you stop accusing us falsely of all your horrible lies and sins, which you have committed against us?”
ANNA DECIDED TO, BY GOD’S GRACE, EVENTUALLY LET GO OF IT ALL That day, Anna finally decided that this stinking battle did not originate from this world. It is steered and fueled by deliberate, selfish hatred from hell. She promised herself never to speak to Zeena again. She would never again allow this evil woman to flatten her with her lies and malice. Henceforward, if she sees her in a shopping mall or anywhere else, she would turn away from her. She would, as Jesus commanded concerning such satanic destroyers, “shake [her and her entire narcissist clan’s] dust from her feet” to focus wholly on following Him wherever He may lead. She has, for nearly a whole lifetime, done everything she could to defend herself, Peter, and her two sons to survive as a human being, and to make peace with them all, (Mt. 18:15-20; Jam. 5:16-18.) The time has now come to turn her back on Zeena, the evil legacy Charles left behind, everything she and her helpers are still doing, and to leave it all in God’s capable hands. Afterward, when Zeena supposedly could not stand being finally rejected after all this time, she called on the landline. When Anna answered, the woman aggressively demanded, “Get out my way, I want to speak to my son.” Anna just loudly called Peter, who came to the phone to hang up without a word. Anna then realized that she was, up until now, the only one who was truly resisting their evil all the time; always making an open stand; always seeking peace and resolve by confronting their terrible malice, while Peter mainly remained passive and secretly aggressive. That is why no one took her seriously. He was the only one who could put a stop to all this, but he covertly enabled their abuse. Later, even though she would not speak to Zeena herself, she decided to give the woman another chance by sending Peter to her house in yet another attempt to settle the matter. He refused, but she pressured him to go. Peter moodily went to visit Zeena, but after an hour or so, he came home in a frenzied fit. Anna, not interested in this demonic abuse anymore, never insisted to know what really happened between them. She had finally rolled the burden onto Peter’s shoulders. The calls from Zeena persisted but Anna ignored them all. She did not know what Peter did as he never spoke about this again. But she avoided accidental meetings, and if she saw her, she completely ignored the woman. Zeena must have realized that this has never happened before. Anna was always the one who groveled before her to make (Continue) |