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(Continued from)                                                © COPYRIGHT NOW UNBANNED PUBLICATIONS 


¨ To prove that she was telling the truth, she went to her lawyer and did an affidavit about the sexual molestation, which she sent to Anna, “in case Anna wanted to prove that she, the niece, was telling the truth.” In this, she even declared on behalf of her deceased sister and the youngest one “who did not want to be named,” that they too, were molested by Peter.  Even after all this time nothing made sense, but Anna still chose to  believe her.  Anna then decided to let it go to have peace with her, but she would use the affidavit as the niece said, to prove that Peter is a child molester. 


By the grace of God, much of the creaking and other demonic harassment eventually subsided, but reoccurred from time to time.  Anna carefully examined the probable causes each time she experienced such phenomena and found it happened when Peter was awake at night alone in his room, or when he was dissatisfied with something. 

She then realized, from the beginning, it was Peter who constantly sent those demons against her, and/or triggered demonic activity to harass her.  This is something no believer in Christ can or will do.  Such dark ‘powers’ only belong to Satanists; those who willfully gave themselves over to evil, even if they were pretending to live in the Light.  It still seems unbelievable to her, but in reality Peter had been her worst and most dangerous enemy from Day One.  Jesus said to the Pharisees in John 8:44, “You are of your father the devil, [you Satanists…] and his will you want to do…” 

¨ Peter’s pathological lies, brilliant manipulation, and sadistic violence must have manifested in childhood already.  That is why Manson, a raving lunatic himself, scolded him so badly.  She had to have been blind to overlook the fact that Peter always, to some degree or another, manifested all the Mansons’ terrible traits, as well as constantly growing in many inconceivable behaviors of his own, which were much worse than what his mother and her dirty husband modeled.  Manson could only have known what Peter was doing if he was also into Satanism.  It now became clear that Manson knew him better than Anna could have imagined – but she was so deceived and trauma and treason bonded, she always fiercely defended Peter until her abused family began to call him out as not only a the violent whoremonger that he is, but a  filthy child molester as well. 

¨ So, when Peter alleged that his ex girlfriend was into Satanism and that is why he supposedly ‘broke up with her,’ he was lying as he usually does.  Chances are, they were both into worshiping the devil together with their parents, and playing with dirty sex and other demonic activities.  That is why, while he is still lying about that as well, he remained fully into his old girlfriend all the time, long after he got engaged and married Anna.  However, Peter sadistically saw in her, Anna, a more viable victim to entomb alive in a lifetime of false hope, inhumane suffering, physical and psychological torment, and systematic emotional and physical murder without anyone suspecting him of such crimes. 


God allowed the demonic manifestations to show Anna the depth of corruption in her home, as she was truly “battling” against much more than flesh and blood throughout her whole life with Peter.

She now had to face the fact that his uncanny, secret crimes were all deliberately done against her with satanic power. 

That is why all his crimes still go way beyond human intelligence and logic reason. 

The man she married in such sincerity, and who posed for thirty years as a believer in Christ since he was baptized in water, was a secret Satanist all along.  It remained hard to accept her own lack of discernment where he was concerned, but demons were the power behind all his inconceivable corruption and uncanny abilities

¨ Moving Peter to the spare room did not change a single thing about his appalling behavior.  Instead, it made him more entitled, daring, dirty, and aggressive.  Even while living in the spare room of the house that he occupied since Marina told her he was into her sister in law with filthy sex for virtually all of his married life to Anna, he still disappeared for extended periods of time without trying to repent from anything.  As long before this, he again began to openly abuse alcohol, returned to smoking cigarettes and marijuana, and watched whatever immorality he chose on his private television.  It became more dangerous and impossible by the day to live with him in the same house. 

¨ That forced Anna to confront him because besides turning the house into a devil’s den, since she suffered heart failure, she coughed severely when exposed to stress and smoke. He fervently denied that he drank and smoke and as always, he simply turned Anna into the greatest, maddest liar alive.  As he knew exactly what he did to her so that she lost so much of her health, and how his bad behavior affected her now, Anna had to come to the conclusion that he was  torturing her further to death by poisoning her with smoke and by stressing her out as far as possible. 


Henceforward, he also progressively leaned on the false accusation that he was the victim of “all Anna’s destruction of their finances!”  He was fully set on mirroring his own demolition of their life and finances unto her.  He was the one who ruined their current business as well, by once again openly pursuing and serving darkness without ever truly surrendering to Jesus.  The fact that he defrauded them in just one business, (there were four including this last one,) which was worth more than two million rand in today's terms, never came to mind.  However, Anna never stole a single sent from him to squander, as she never had anything to hide.  She was the one who did all the savings and most of the other financial planning during their life to try and secure something for them in their old age.  Now, being old and still under the curses and oppression of Peter’s irresponsibility, he was depleting as much of that as he can; grinning and loudly protesting her objections that they need to work sparingly with what they have, as they do not know how long they will be alive. 

¨ As his behavior constantly worsened, he began to make things even more unbearable for Anna by letting both replaceable and irreplaceable things disappear from the home; even from behind bolted doors and from inside locked cupboards.  It was easy for him; he was a handyman and into every kind of home maintenance all his life, and learned all the necessary skills that came with it. 

¨ He made a hobby of taunting and provoking her by doing other malicious things like pouring out her hand wash and bath soap, stealing her keys, clothes, and underwear, etcetera.  When Anna firmly withstood him because even under  these unbearable circumstances, he still brought more rubbish upon her life, he violently denied it as always, and made her into the “mad cow who thinks up all that evil against him to destroy him.”  When she found proof of his maliciousness, (like when he cut the outside wire of one of the closed circuit television cameras,) he screamed and swore until she kept quiet about it, and then tried to force her ‘admit’ that she falsely accused him.  If she persisted that she speaks the truth, he sometimes promised to live a Godly life with her “just to get some peace.” 

As usual, his actions proved over and over again that he never intended to keep a single promise; even those he made while blasphemously calling God as his witness.  No matter which way Peter turned the wheel of life for Anna, he still attempted to chain her to him as his gaslighted prisoner, as he knew she had nowhere to flee to and no human being to help her. 

¨ Of course, being human, she sinned against him many times, and fell into anger and hopelessness under his constant  oppression, humiliation, and provocation, but she was always the one who, by the grace of God, sincerely sought peace and willingly confessed to him that she scolded him, fought back when she should have fled from him, and thus, did not handle his chaos correctly.  The simple truth about her falling into sin because of him, is that it was always impossible to understand him, successfully reason with him, expect fidelity from him, or to find a way that could resolve the constant conflict between them. 

Her only hope was that Jesus always remained in control, will protect her, keep His hand on her, and give her the grace to never lose her eternal life because of all that suffering.  Although Peter and everyone else have forsaken her, she knew Jesus will never leave her nor forsake her.  So, she had no choice but to move forward in the certainty that God will eventually righteously judge between them.  Until then, He will give her the strength to trust and follow Him. 


Then, more than a year ago, God made a way for her to get through to Peter to build a ‘guest house’ on the property, where he can stay so that they can have some kind of peace between them.  To her great surprise, he consented.  This made a huge gap in their vulnerable savings, but she persisted, as she had absolutely no other way to survive physically, emotionally, or spiritually with all his terrible oppression from inside the house.  He dragged his feet for months on end but eventually, under protest and great anger, he moved into the well prepared ‘guest house,’ which Anna designed with nearly every modern amenity she has in the house. 

Anna was extremely sad to experience that separation as well, as she never planned any of this upheaval. In fact, she fiercely feared to live alone in her old age.  She always wanted to grow old with someone who loved her, and whom she could love “until death do us part.”  But that was the impossible dream, as she married a man who never had any such noble desires in mind.  In fifty years, he could not learn to love, respect, and honor her enough to tell her one important truth, or to show her that he cared enough to make her live a safe and happy life with him.   

¨ For months after Peter moved to the ‘guest house,’ Anna was again under horrible demonic attack.  Strong spiritual and physical manifestations drove her deeper into prayer and Scriptural obedience to God to overcome all the evil Peter  acted out and sent against her.  Eventually, God gradually manifested His peace such as she had never known before in the house and especially at night, so that she could live, work, and sleep in His presence and under His protection.  Still, many incomprehensible things remained unresolved as they come from a lifetime of living with a secret, malignant Satanist — a concept, which still after all this time cannot make any sense to her.  


At this stage, Peter still flies into loud, swearing fits when something does not suit him.  He threatens her safety by screaming and banging on the doors and windows of the house when he feels like raging over something, and sabotages her in ways that will always traumatize her and baffle her mind.  Despite the financial pinches Anna must cope with now that he again dumped everything dumped on her shoulders as in days when he destroyed one business after the other, he happily continues to smoke cigarettes and marijuana, abuse alcohol, and happily stays in bed to watch movies all day and deep into the night.  What kind of stimuli he constantly pushes into his mind, Anna can only imagine. 

¨ Even though she constantly begs him to stop his onslaughts on her mind and health as he knows how dreadfully ill his smoking and violent attacks make her, he simply ignores her pleas and continues to smother her in his smoke, so that she has to live behind closed doors and block every entrance window to breathe properly.  Every now and again, he terrorizes her by breaking something such as the wooden sliding door on driveway; threatening to enter and destroy the whole house.  He sabotages whatever he can put his hands on and promises to set everything ablaze and murder her.  He shouts, if she calls the police, he will shoot her and them.  And if she keeps on “slandering his name” by telling “her false version” of what he did and does, he will crack her skull! 

¨ When he is drunk or drugged, he bangs and screams until she opens to listen to hem.  She must then stand calmly while he swears at her with words no one can tolerate, and accuses her of prostituting herself even to the dirty beggars on the street corners.  He screams at the top of his voice the terrible things he made up, such as that she is a filthy whore that must give her p**s to the police and masturbate with a long cucumber because she is so mad and  full of lust because  nothing can satisfy her!  He even supposedly eventually figured out that their eldest son is not his child! She was whoring with her favorite cousin since childhood.  She is totally mad to blame him because she was the one committing adultery with her ex boyfriend, whom he supposedly found in their home one day when he came from work!  He progressively expands his filthy accusations to  every man she met, and shouts so aggressively and so loud that she cannot get anything to enter his ears. 

¨ Peter is literally re-manufacturing every crime he ever committed to violently push it all onto her, while justifying his “innocence” and her supposedly false accusations by making her into Charles Manson, who hated him, and swore and beat the living daylights out of him as a child!  The more she objects, the worse he behaves, until he finally feel satisfied enough to put his sadistic, totally illogically cruel abuse to bed without listening to a single word she speaks to defend herself.  Many times she asks him to tell her what he expects her to do to end his abuse, to which he laughs out loud and says something like, “You’re so clever and know everything; go figure it out by yourself!”     

All her attempts to speak to Peter about even ordinary but necessary things like the property and personal taxes, is a nightmare.  He is set in his decision to  refuse to listen and understand logic reason, and during necessary discussions, he pretends he cannot understand a word she says.  So, he forces her so explain the same thing over and over again until she walks away, and then he rages because she “dares to turn her back on him as if he is a dog!”  Arguments usually end with him threatening to do something life-threatening to her because she hates and rejects him and play god over him!”  In short, he constantly causes chaos out of everything to make her life as miserable as possible. 

There is no human being who can help Anna to curb Peter’s murderous threats and inhumane terrorism and sabotage.  The few times she tried to get legal help, the authorities dragged their feet and the courts were so flooded with cases, their procedures will sap every slither of hope, dignity, and energy from her.  And because Anna’s hope is not “to lean on the arm of flesh,” she gives God all the glory to, at least inside her home, live in His peace and holiness for the first time in  half a century, although it is behind the locked and blocked doors and windows of the house. 

Her only hope is that God will deal with this situation as the Most High and Righteous Judge of the universe, to make a way for her to always worship and serve Him, and heal her battered soul, destroyed body and life, of all Peter’s willfully created anguish, violence, and sorrow, according to His will, while sustaining her to carry on preaching and obeying His Gospel of Truth to glorify Him as her highest priority and purpose in life. 


Read this story that illustrates narcissist abuse from the beginning   




Þ Narcissists are everywhere, and they are dangerous predators of destruction

Narcissists work with demonic power and are addicted to sex, violence, and power 

How to avoid getting stuck in bad relationships with psychopathic narcissists           

So-called “passive” aggressive behavior is covert narcissism 

Þ Dealing with Continuous Sin and Wilfully Unrepentant Loved Ones 

Þ Great, irreconcilable differences between psychiatry and Scriptural Truth 


My soul is Calm and Quiet like a weaned child 


Let’s Talk