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· Engagement and Wedding:  the Legal, Two-Phase Wedding Ceremony of the Old Hebrews

· Living together or ‘common law’ marriage —   married in God’s eyes?’ 

· What does God say about parents allowing their children to live together in sin?  



‘Holy matrimony’ is another ‘rite of passage’ that consecrates (or make holy) Catholics for “the particular mission in building up the Roman Catholic Church, which provides grace for accomplishing that mission.  [The truth is that everyone must be spiritually and personally born again from darkness into God’s Light to live in a holy position in Jesus, 1 Pt. 2:9-10; Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5.]  This ‘sacrament,’ seen as a sign of the love that unites Christ and the Church, [believers are not the ‘church,’] establishes between the [the two] spouses a permanent and exclusive bond, sealed by God. Accordingly, a marriage between [Roman Catholic] ‘baptized people, validly entered into and consummated, [in the church,] cannot be dissolved.  [Jesus stated that fornication and adultery is the reason why couples can get divorced if they find the break irreparable, as these crimes annul the holy marriage covenant between “the two:” a husband and his one and only wife, Mt. 19:9.]  The sacrament confers on them the grace they need for attaining holiness [through step-by-step ‘sanctification,’ which is just another Christianized, pagan initiation into church ‘mysteries,’] in their married life and for responsible acceptance and upbringing of their children…”  [Wikipedia.]  No wonder God calls the church system “Mystery… Mother of harlots… [all church denominations and branches,]” (Rev. 17:3-6: 18:4.) 

Marriage is a personal covenant between a husband and his wife, not a ‘sacrament.’ This covenant was sanctioned and blessed by our Creator God, Who Alone can make sincere believers holy through the Biblical rebirth of faith in Christ Jesus.  God Alone can join a husband and wife spiritually through His marriage covenant, (Mt. 19:4-6.) As all other church sacraments, ‘holy matrimony’ also centers on the dogmas of the Vatican and not on Jesus, His Biblical bride, or on the truth of His Word.  God’s marriage covenant has nothing to do with this ‘sacramental’ rite of passage!   

ENGAGEMENT AND WEDDING: The Legal, Two-Phase Wedding Ceremony of the Old Hebrews

The examples of Jesus the Bridegroom and His believing bride, and the account of the miraculous conception and birth of Jesus, nullify all the sinful notions, which twist and reject God's legal marriage covenant between one husband and one wife.  None but the Biblical blessing of God Himself suits the holy marriage covenant, first consummated in the Garden in Eden between Adam and Eve. In the days that followed the fall, many man-made traditions typified pagan marriage ceremonies; turning the marriage covenant of God into pure witchcraft.  From all of those ceremonies, the Old Hebrew ceremony best symbolizes the spiritual marriage covenant between Christ and His bride of sincere believers.

The Hebrew wedding ceremony consists of two parts: the legal “betrothal” or engagement celebration, (Erusin,) and the legal marriage feast, (Nissuin.)  ‘Sword of the Spirit’ explained, “A covenant would be drawn up and signed sealing the betrothal. [The engagement.] As we see in the example of Joseph and Mary, a couple was considered to be married from the time of the signing of the betrothal covenant. Once a betrothed couple’s signatures were on the parchment it became a legally binding contract that could only be broken for reasons of infidelity and adultery... The reason for that was to avoid what is called "defrauding" or backing out of the betrothal.  It was a way of holding the couple to their word and to the covenant, and providing the bride and groom with a sense of security. After signing the covenant the bride and bridegroom would drink from a shared cup of wine over which a betrothal blessing had been pronounced.” 

Usually, engagement and marriage were celebrated within a year of each other.  Although it is the first part of the marriage ceremony, the “betrothal” or engagement did not normally include physical consummation, but the bride and groom were nonetheless legally married. To ‘break’ an engagement necessitated a legal divorce, as in the case of Joseph when Mary was found pregnant with Jesus, (Mt. 1:18-25; Lev. 24:1-4; Isa. 50:1.) “Then Joseph her husband, [God calls her fiancé her “husband,”] being a just man and not wanting to make her a public example [of immorality, being pregnant before they came together physically,] was minded to put her away [or legally divorce her] secretly.”  Footnote, Spirit Filled Bible, "Betrothal [or engagement] was as binding as the second part of marriage and could be annulled only by divorce, [which required a legal letter of divorce in the case of adultery, (Mt. 19:1-9!]” 

Even a modern day engagement under Roman law, (which is being phased out by sinful 'human-rights' governments worldwide,) is viewed as a binding, mutual pact, contract, or wedding agreement between one female and one male. If either the fiancé or his fiancée breaks off the engagement, (the first stage of the legal two-phase marriage contract,) the guilty party can (or could) be hurled to court for ‘breach of contract’ - except for adultery, which annuls the covenant! (Mt. 19:1-9.)   Some countries that ‘liberated’ them from God's Word and Law, abolished this act in 1970.

In Hebrew custom, the ‘betrothed’ (or engaged) bride and groom were legally married, yet the bride remained in her father’s house while she readied herself, waiting on her groom to come and fetch her “to the home he had prepared for her.” [This is the symbol of the believing body of Christ, waiting and ‘readying herself’ for the return of Jesus the Bridegroom.] As described in all the Biblical allegories of this expected wedding feast, the groom’s arrival was announced by the loud sound of a trumpet, and after the formal wedding ceremony the happy couple and their guests would celebrate the Marriage Feast, (Jn. 14:2-3; Mt. 25:1-13; Mark 13:32-37; Cor. 15:50-53; 1 Ths. 4:13-18.)

John wrote in Revelation 19:6-10, “I heard a great multitude… saying, ‘Alleluia!... for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready... Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb...’”


God’s Word makes no allowances for people to get physically intimate with their girlfriends and boyfriends.  God’s Word calls such behavior “sin against the body” and “fornication” or dirty, sinful sex.  A husband and wife are supposed to be best friends, but they are bound together legally and sacredly through their love for, and commitment to each other in God’s marriage covenant, which makes them ‘one’ in Christ. God never gave people permission to simply shack up together and think they are ‘married in God’s eyes’ – most people do not even think about ‘living together’ as being married.  Couples simply move in together to avoid commitment and responsibility, and for financial reasons, while others will not give up the pensions, medical aids, etcetera, which they get from their former marriages. 

Women as well as men do not realize the legal complications that ‘living together’ pose for them, (and especially for the children born from such a union,) until that ‘boyfriend’ or girlfriend zip their bags and clear the stage.  Then, she (or he) is left to care for the kids alone.  While bearing all the emotional baggage, they also have to deal with the financial mess of it all.  It is at this stage where some women and men realize that the marriage certificate is much more than ‘a piece of paper.’  A legal marriage gives the wife or husband and children some financial and other protection, and above all, human dignity in this world where we must all live until Jesus takes us home. 

On the other hand, those who go beyond the physical law of the land and, without any legality, ‘get married in God’s eyes,’ are deceiving themselves to believe they have God’s blessing on such a union.  God will not twist or nullify His Word to please anyone.  When we accept Jesus, we do not transcend the physical laws of our country because we are not living in heaven yet.  God will not accept such blatant rejection of the authority of political government, of which He commanded, “Let every soul be subject to the [political] governing authorities, [as far as they operate within the confines of God’s Moral law.  Should politicians make us bow to them in idolatry it is another matter, for we have to worship God above all else.]  For he [should be] God’s minister to you for good.  But if you do evil, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain... to avenge and execute wrath on him who practices evil.”  Jesus Himself commanded us to ‘give unto Caesar (the government) what is due to him, and give [morally] to God what is due to God.  God did not say that Scripturally born again disciples may refuse to pay taxes, make their own marriage laws, and so forth.  We are all living together here on earth, and if political governments do not do what God commands them to do, (as we are experiencing all over the world,) chaos ensues.  For instance, a murderer or murderess who regrets, confesses, and repents from murder will go to heaven – but he or she must still face capital punishment for that crime against humanity.  God commanded that murderers or murderesses must fall under the ‘sword’ of human government, (Gen. 9:6.)   

What does God say about parents, who approve of their children ‘living together?’

A “born again” couple, living next door to a worldly couple, allowed their darling daughter and her boy friend to live together for more than three years in the garden cottage on their property before the two decided to get married. Once I asked the woman how she justifies that according to what God says about fornication. She first said she will not ‘anger’ her children by preaching to them; she ‘wins them with love.’ But God called us to be His preserving, purifying salt and light, and if we will not be that in our own homes; among our own families, how can we be that to the world?  We must never love our family or anyone else more than we love God, (Mt. 10:37.) Better that the son or daughter is angry with us now than being angry in hell – dragging the parents with them because of their disobedience to God. 

Then, that Christian woman actually ‘swore’ that she took her daughter to the doctor, and the man ‘verified’ that the daughter is “still a virgin after all this time!” To her great disgust, I laughed in her face and told her I am not a child to believe this lie to protect her daughter’s ‘integrity.’ Later, that woman’s neighbor asked why they, seeing that they are these “great” Christians, allow their daughter to “live in sin” for so long without confronting her. Well, they should ask them, as no one else can say why they dishonor God’s holy Name and Word that way.

We can be certain that God will judge us together with those whom we protect in sin of all kinds, for it is written in Romans 1:22-32, “[Because] they do not like to retain God in their knowledge [of Him, God allows them to fill their cup of sin before He judges them...] Exchanging the truth of God for a lie, and worshiping and serving the creature [people,] rather than the Creator... God gave them up to vile passions…  [especially all forms of sexual immorality and even homosexuality.]  Who, knowing the righteous judgement of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.”

In the Old Testament, which was also governed by God’s Moral Law of Love apart from all the ceremonial temple laws, and which was, as Paul explained, ‘examples’ of how God deals with His people now, (1 Cor. 10:5-12,) God gave us the example of how Eli the priest loved his sons more than God; actively committing idolatry. Those sons were “corrupt... and Eli was old; and he heard everything his sons did... and how they lay with the women who assembled at the door of the tabernacle of meeting, [temple-whores.] So Eli asked, “Why do you do such things? For I hear of your evil dealings from all the people. No, my sons! For it is not a good report that I hear. You make the Lord’s people transgress. If one man sins against another, God will judge him. But will a man sins against the Lord, who will intercede for him? Nevertheless, they did not heed the voice of their father, (1 Sam. 2:12-36.)”

¨ One would think Eli did what he should have done and God would be satisfied with his rebuke.  Not so.  God sent Samuel to speak to Eli, saying, “...Why do you kick at My sacrifice and My offering which I have commanded you... and honor your sons more than Me, to make yourselves fat with the best of all the offerings of Israel My people? [Sounds a lot like today’s lukewarm, compromising Christian parents and preachers, 1 Sam. 2:29; 3:12-19.] I will perform against Eli all that I have spoken... For I have told him that I will judge his house forever for the iniquity which he knows, because his sons made themselves vile, and he did not [adequately] restrain them…”  


Most victims of abuse, who escaped the devil’s clutches through faith in Christ, are periodically, (in God’s timing and under His control,) oppressed and harassed by demons to remain stuck in, or to return to false religion, ritual sacrifice, and the deceptive control of religious cults, patriarchs, narcissistic families, and hierarchical church clergies, (Heb. 5:8.)  Of course, demons most effectively work through Satan’s human agents.  In spite of that, Jesus assured those who seek freedom in Him that they will find it, for He came to “give life, and to give it more abundantly,” (Jn. 10:10.)

The Lord Jesus Christ is the only true answer to the ills of this world.  So, Jesus Himself is the Only Way to full, lasting spiritual and emotional deliverance.  Jesus said, if we “remain in Him, (Who Is the Truth and the Word,) we are truly His disciples. [And if we are His sincere disciples,] we shall know the truth and the truth will set us free,” (Jn. 8:31.)  This means, we must stay at Jesus’ feet, seek His face continually to grow in Scriptural knowledge, and be obedient to the truth of His Word and the leading of the Holy Spirit until He calls us home, (Rom. 12:1-3; Mt 24:11-12.) 

Nevertheless, many false and uninformed teachers turn methods and doctrines from the occult into a dangerous and complicated set of so-called “deliverance” confessions, church rituals, and unscriptural procedures, while one must simply understand that Christ Jesus is not just the Savior of the “whole world” but also the Redeemer of all those who personally and sincerely belong to Him.  Jesus is almighty, ever-present, and all-knowing.  To Him, spiritual, emotional, and physical deliverance is not a massive achievement.  It is simply a matter of commanding one of his mighty angels to accomplish His will.  So, it is no more miraculous to be delivered from the deep chasms of unabashed Satanism, than from church idolatry and other forms of pagan religion.  Where our omnipotent God is concerned, bondage remains bondage by any other name, and so, Jesus wholly conquered every foe and trouble at the cross, (Col. 2:9-15.) 

Thus, it does not call for ‘more’ of the Holy Spirit’s power or ‘more’ of Jesus’ wounds and blood to deliver from occult demonic possession, than to deliver from any other type of bondage — church deception and false pastoral control included.  All deliverance is a purely supernatural, miraculous work of God Himself.  We may boldly pray and intercede for others in prayer, but just as no human being can save anyone’s soul, no human being can deliver us from demonic deception and other types of bondage.  Jesus is the One and Only Master of Satan and all his demons, but He requires our obedience to Scripture and to the leading of his Spirit to loosen all demonic bonds upon our “minds,” as for truly born again believers, the only “battle” is for their thoughts and beliefs, (2 Cor. 10:3-5.)  In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.  “There is no other name under the sun by which we can be saved, [delivered, healed, comforted, or protected] than the Name of Jesus,” (Acts 4:12.) 

Jesus’ completed deliverance for all sincere believers is a spiritually born again position inside His Spiritual Kingdom, which cannot be “achieved,” but is “inherited” at the moment we sincerely and wholeheartedly accept Him into our hearts, souls, and lives, (Jn. 1:12-14.)  So, if believers, who experienced the rebirth in Christ, believe they are in ‘bondage,’ they must make sure they have surrendered to Jesus in totality, and are water baptized according to Jesus’ own example and commandment in Matthew 28:19-20.  The baby sprinkling is not Jesus’ Scriptural baptism for personally born again believers.  Know also that all true believers already have the indwelling Holy Spirit in them and He gives His gifts to them “as [only] He wills,” (1 Jn. 1:20.) 

Victims of, and participants in sin, (“enablers” who assist abusers by defending them, etcetera,) must simply confess their sin to God and repent, or renounce and turn away from idolatry and witchcraft, (or self-willed lawlessness,) and turn wholeheartedly to the Lord Jesus Christ of the Bible.  No special confessions; no special prayers; no ceremonies and so-called “deliverance” hypes; just personal faith and sincerity required, (Rom. 10:9-10; Jn. 1:12-13; 3:3-5; Gal. 4:6.) 


The following truths are great so-called ‘bondage breakers,’ which every believer must follow to live a life of true victory in Christ.  Not because we “inherit ancestor sin,” but to clarify the matter in our own ‘minds,’ we must simply ask God’s forgiveness for every single involvement in the occult and false church religion, as well as for every other type of personal and collective (sin such as Satanism, masonry, etcetera; confessing and renouncing every sin, sinful practice, involvement – and every false and foul spirit that came with it,  (Ex. 20:1-6; 1 Jn. 1:9; Eph. 1:7; Prov. 28:13; Jam. 1:16!) 

We must also be willing to confess the serious sins, which we have committed against other people.  Not to a priest or anyone else, but to those whom we have wronged, and make right with them as far as possible, (Jam. 5:15-18.)  Once we have willingly and sincerely confessed our sins to God and others whom we have personally harmed, we are completely forgiven and “cleansed from all unrighteousness” by the blood of Jesus, (1 Jn. 1:7-9.)  

We must also ask God to reveal His truth to all those who have badly sinned against us; to convict them of their sin, and to save their souls.  We must tell the Father that we make a choice not to hate them or take revenge on them, but to forgive them or set them free in His righteous hands.  By obeying His commandment to confront serious sin as far as it depends on us, we will follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, (Mt. 18:15-20.)  If it will be possible to resolve the conflict by obeying God’s Scriptural directives, we “will win a brother or sister.”  If not, we must set them free into Jesus’ almighty, all-wise ‘custody,’ because He specializes in doing what is right and just. 


We may now ask God our Father to deliver, heal, restore, and protect us spirit, soul, and body; [our loved ones and our (and their) entire lives,] under the blood-covenant of Jesus Christ, the almighty ministry of His Holy Spirit, and the protection of His mighty, holy angels. We must ask God to always be led by the Spirit and to do His will according to His Moral-Law commandments, (Jn. 13:34.)  It is also important to tell Jesus that we dedicate and submit ourselves spirit, soul or mind, and body; our entire lives and all our talents; our loved ones, homes, work, and everything else God had entrusted to us, to Him Alone.  Thus, we surrender everything we are and ‘have’ into His capable hands, and submit ourselves to His sovereign, Scriptural will. 

Now, in Jesus’ Name and in the authority of the indwelling Holy Spirit, speak out.  Declare out loud that you, by grace and not by your own works, belong completely to the Lord Jesus Christ; that you and everything that pertains to your life stand, live, and are protected under His New Testament Covenant, which was written in His own blood.  Thank God for His Holy Spirit Who constantly lives in you, and for His mighty angels who encamp all around you to protect and deliver you where necessary.  Thank God for giving you spiritual authority in Jesus Christ over Satan and his demons because your name is written in heaven’s Book of Life, (Lu. 10:20; Rev. 3:5; 20:12.)  Proclaim that in Jesus you are His spiritual king and priest and have the full power of His indwelling Holy Spirit in you, (1 Pt. 2:9; Mark 16:15-18; 1 Jn. 2:20.) 

Then, in the Name of Jesus and in the power of Holy Spirit, speak out against all evil that has controlled, scared, robbed, influenced, deceived, oppressed, abused, hurt, and attacked you.  Break every bond, weapon, attack, coalition, deception, and destruction against you and against everyone and everything that pertain to your life. Believers are fully blessed in Christ and cannot be cursed except when they persist in sin, (Mt. 25:33-34; 41-46.)  That is why it is so important to boldly declare that, as a true disciple of Jesus Christ, no one has the right to curse you because you are fully blessed in Him, (Gal. 3:10-14; Prov. 26:2.)  Declare that, under the headship and in the Name of Jesus, you claim dominion over your spirit, soul, body, (1 Ths. 5:23,) home, children, life, work, talents… and everything pertaining to your personal territory, where only God Himself and His holy angels may reach and live.  Place everything under the total possession and control of the Holy Spirit of the Bible and the power of His True Word, (Eph. 1:7; 12-14!) 

Say out loud that, in the Name of Jesus, you bind and reject, stop, and cast out every evil, deceptive, and dirty spirit from your home and surroundings; they must all leave at once because you break all their power and strongholds, and  are forbidden to return!   Ask God to send His mighty angels to remove every evil human spirit that might have afflicted you in any way. Then loosen the peace and grace of God upon yourself, your loved ones, home, work, and your entire  spiritual, soulical (mind or free will, emotions, intellect,) and physical territory until Jesus returns to take you home. 

From this day forward

We must all continually “grow in knowledge and in grace” by diligently study the truth of God’s Word; follow the leading of the Holy Spirit, be doers of God’s will, and, submitted to God, steadfastly withstand the devil’s lies and onslaughts against us, (2 Pt. 3:18; Jam. 4:7; Rev. 12:11.)  Our lives and everything that pertain to it are our personal responsibility.  We must live a holy, Spirit-filled (or Spirit-controlled) life in a prayerful relationship with Jesus. 

Praise the Father in heaven continually that all this was already graciously done for all eternity by faith in the Name of Jesus Christ because those, whom Jesus has set free, are free indeed! (Jn. 6:36.)  Keep yourself safe and holy by serving the Lord Jesus with all your heart, soul (or mind) and strength; fleeing from all moral sin, (1 Jn. 2:4-5; 5:18.)   

We may seek help when we feel weak; there is no shame in “fighting the good fight of faith” together.  Practical agape ‘love’ for one another pleases God greatly, (Jn. 13:35.)  Do not be surprised or afraid if the enemy tries to harass you and say that you are not completely free in Christ.  He is an inherent liar and an absolutely defeated foe, (Col. 2:13-15.)   

Jesus has you covered.  All Satan has to scare you with and to bring you back under his control, are lies and deceit.  Withstand and if necessary, rebuke him steadfastly in faith and focus on the truth of Jesus above all else.  Use the Scriptures against the enemy; it is the Sword of the Spirit.  You wholly belong to Jesus, but the battle for the control of your thoughts will continue in many ways.  Jesus Alone has the right to control your thoughts, and He gave you the power to “take captive every thought and to bring it into obedience to Christ,” (2 Cor. 10:3-5.)  The enemy must flee before His Name, Scriptural truth, and Holy-Spirit, (Deut. 28:7.)  Through your steadfast rejection of the enemy; his deceiving, abusing disciples, and all his lying schemes, all bonds remain broken, (1 Jn. 5:18-21.) 

God’s blood-cleansed children must repent and flee or “abstain” from personal and collective sin, (1 Ths. 5:21-22.)  Do not play with the devil in any way!  God warned in 1 Corinthians 15:33, “Bad company corrupts good morals.”  This include sexual sin, the abuse of addictive substances, fornication, adultery, unforgiveness, lies, and revenge; bad habits that oppress others and entice them to sin; submitting to false authority, false church doctrines and religious practices; all forms of occultism: (e.g., ancestor worship; communication with spirits or the “deceased,” (Deut. 18:10-14; Eccl. 9:5-6,) the use and possession of occult ‘medicine,’ lucky charms, and other ‘accursed objects’ such as tribal masks, and ornaments that were made for demons, or connected to the occult in some way or another — excluding ordinary art.) 

Avoid all unrepentant and false people, no matter who they are, as you would avoid sin and the devil itself, (1 Cor. 15:33.)  Cleanse your heart, soul, (mind) home and life continually from everything that can connect you to the enemy and his disciples, and allow him to have a hold on you, or on some area of your life.  Thank God that His sincerely believing, obedient children are never alone.  The God Who called us from ‘darkness into His marvelous light’ has promised, “I will not in any way fail you or give you up nor leave you without support.  I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless, nor forsake, nor let you down, or relax My hold on you.  Assuredly not!” 

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